❶ <<孔雀东南飞>>英文剧本


“孔雀东南飞”叙事诗,是中国最长的中国民歌,最早见于南朝徐凌“玉台新咏”,题为“诗的妻子。 “宋国贸钱,”乐府诗集“收入”杂项的歌曲讲话,题为“老婆。 “孔雀东南飞”的创作时间大致是东汉献帝建安年间,作者不详,超过340超过1700字的诗句,主要是写刘兰芝胶价焦母结婚不被遣返,她的父母,兄弟逼其再婚。新婚之夜,兰芝淹死自己。从汉末至南朝诗在民间广为流传,并继续进行处理,最终的汉民歌中最杰出的长篇叙事诗。


刘兰蜘婆婆回娘家,只有十天,裁判官派人来他的儿子月琴裁判官媒婆离开几天后,知府的主薄的媒体说,他的儿子结婚。刘兰栀谴责回到家里,为什么有这么多的嫁给他吗?的求婚者的身份,从手的文章,掀起刘兰肢多德除了美丽的前视图的表现也取决于时间的婚姻习俗。汉人社会的贞节妇女不关心丧偶或离婚的女人,你仍然可以再婚,男人是不是由于这个女人结婚,羞耻。司马相如我们的Xihanmingshi的娶了一个寡妇卓文君,蔡文姬嫁给很多,据史料记载,汉高祖娶了王成立为皇后,皇后区之王,汉武帝的母亲。汉代,婚姻十分重视门兄弟,裁判官,知府刘兰芝嫁给他为他的儿子,除了上述原因外,门兄弟的概念。因为所有的自我利益的原因,不娶寡妇,而不是所有的欺负。 “潜伏天伦。的文章,汉寡妇那些谁想要保持贞洁,禁欲,如果遇到大博晓不义,不仁不义的哥哥和弟弟,有些人的嫁妆(的东西),一些为死亡的钱,一些力,以向占据寡妇的儿子,寡妇再嫁。寡妇,以示抗议,并在房间里挂,一些结婚的汽车,以喝医药的死。刘兰卮由他的弟弟被迫结婚,但投入清洁水箱你死我活的斗争,这是许多寡妇命运的集中反映。







其日牛马嘶“之句,牛车古代诗”。牛的努力和行动缓慢,一牛车拉的东西。由于牛车室是大的,它也被称为车。秦贵族多数乘坐马车,很少乘牛车。秦汉这种趋势依然存在。西汉时期,由于长期的战争,经济不景气。据韩“记载:对中国武术的官员有很多人乘坐牛车,它可以说是乘牛车出于无奈。被认为是整个西汉和东汉前人们乘坐牛车贬低行为。但到了东汉末年,气氛变得苍白,,贵族官僚小康不再乘坐牛车可耻。金写道:“后来略有好转,价格昂贵(牛车)。精神自(汉族),提供的,因为皇帝切斯特舒经常乘。“,”母亲“,写的时期(从建安年)是东汉献帝,所以其日牛马嘶”牛马“不能被理解部分 - 意思是“马”字。知府的儿子迎亲的马车牛车上载数字为不同的目的很方便。



“(I)十三岁就可以织细白娟,14岁的切割服装协会,将15岁的弹琴,16岁能背诵诗歌和文学。 17做你的妻子,心中常常感到悲伤的痛苦。因为你做太守府的小官吏遵守正式规则集中不可分割的,我留在一个空房间,一天,我们真的很少。还特意叫我上机织绸子的鸡,每天晚上他们不休息三天,五织丝,我的婆婆,我也织过慢,不是因为我织得慢,(但)的女儿在法律你家的困难啊!

听了这话,我不能忍受他们(你家),呼之即来,白白保持没有弥补。 (你)可以去宣布他的岳母早,可能我回娘家的遗产。 “想告诉,到教室去宣布他的母亲:”我没有做过的高级官员,享用丰盛的算命先生,但也多亏了结婚(良性主管)的妻子,婚后的生活(年轻夫妇)爱每一个,(和它同意应依赖关系)的地下死亡的同伴。 (我们)相处在一起不到两年的时间(寿命)开始不会太长,这名妇女的行为,并没有什么不正确的预期,使母亲不满意的吗? “



在弥补着不敢一声响,两个礼拜母亲回到自己的房间,打开他的嘴,他的妻子说话,抽抽抽咽咽地,但也没有说一句: “原来我不希望赶你走,但迫使你不得不去回娘家,我把它太守府的行为,我会很快回来的母亲,回来把你拉回我的房子,以满足您的点委屈它,不要对我说。

刘兰蜘说:“不要再增加麻烦了!记得当年在晚冬,我说再见她的父母结婚了你的家人和发球总是听妈妈的意图,一举一动哪里敢自作主张做?工作日夜勤劳,他们是单独的,我遭受了硬折磨一直认为没有过错,终身服务婆婆。 (I)最终还是被开除,其中也说要回去,你的房子吗?我有绣腰短袄,上面美丽的刺绣发出的荣耀,做的双层红色薄纱帐户桶的角落,挂香囊含服框67 10,碧绿色的丝线捆绑了一个盒子。自己的一切方式是不一样的,所有的船只在该框中幕在我的自卑,不值得的东西的人,不值得以满足您未来的再婚妻子把我的礼物(给你),旅游纪念品,因为不再有见面的机会。总是这些东西的舒适性(希望你)永远不要忘记我。 “

刘兰芝形象了在大厅迎接婆婆,婆婆不停地生气。(兰芝说:)“我以前做的女儿长大后出生的国家,不应该已收到了良好的亲子关系,夫妻少爷,更是感到羞愧。接受婆婆送的礼金,但不能忍受的婆婆的呼之即来。今天,我又回到了她的家庭,只是错过的辛勤劳碌的婆婆在家里。 “告别和嫂嫂强忍着泪水落到像一个系列的珠子。(刘兰芝:)”当我第一次来到家,姐姐你只是倚在床上,学会走路的法律,我被赶走嫂嫂你成长为高,我希望你的努力,尽心尽力地照顾自己的母亲,一个好嫂嫂说。为她的老第七日和19日,被打,不要忘了我。 “(兰芝成品)从登上汽车离开的眼泪不停地簌簌而下。


刘兰蜘,焦仲卿表示:”谢谢你的爱忠诚的心愿!因为你还记得我,希望你早日能来接我,你必须是一个岩石,我一定要成为蒲草和芦苇。柔软的蒲草和芦苇种子,如丝,岩石是不容易转移,我有一个哥哥,性情行为性情暴躁如雷,可能不会让我愿意认为对未来我很喜欢痛苦。 “其次是表演手告别多忧郁,有同样的感受的两个勉强。

兰格走进屋里,在教会内,走近回不认为面对。刘穆(见兰格回)感到惊讶,拍着手掌你的手,说:“我没想到你回来!教你13纺织,14岁就能够剪裁的衣服,15岁的弹琴,16岁的了解礼仪,17你是处女,我想您不会有任何故障。现在你做了什么什么错误,没有人来迎接你回来了! “兰芝惭愧的母亲说:”我的女儿是真的没有做错任何事。 “母亲听后非常伤心。


刘牧的女儿说:“你可以去答应他。”女儿,眼泪在她的眼睛回答说:“兰芝回来,进行了多次问我发誓永不分离。相反的兄弟,我很害怕,它这样做不合适。那么你可以拒绝媒体,(后下),慢慢地重新审视这个问题。 “

,刘沐告诉媒人说:”(我们)卑微的人,她的女儿刚结婚,离婚不久她的父母。 (她)不能做的富力妻子,怎么对得起县长的儿子吗?希望你找到(再发现另一个女人),我不能答应你。 “



完善的媒人,从他的座位上不停地说:“因此,要做到这样做“他回来了,到县城的报告太守说:”我接受你的十字架的使命,到六甲媒人,儿子很有缘分的牵线搭桥非常成功的。 “知府听了这句话,我的心是很幸福的婚姻日历(立即),但也看在婚姻的书,他告诉郡城:婚礼定于本月是很吉利,年,月,日干支合适的,这一天,今天27日30时,你去刘氏家族预订了结婚日期。“提督楼送字给对方:”快点结婚!“人(高峰婚礼)像天上的云朵和关闭连接。船装婚礼(项目)的画Qingque和图案的白天鹅,四个角上挂着绣有龙和横幅,风轻轻的。白色的黄金镶玉轮的车,青骢马缓缓前行,设置四个星期,吊蔡莹,被列入黄金饰鞍。彩礼捐赠了300万,穿着一件蓝色的丝绸粉红色的缎子300,从广州,交州采购的美味佳肴。其次,四五百人来到繁华的鹭江Gunbu门。





母亲娇听到这些话(儿子),随着的声音流下眼泪,说:“你的家庭的孩子,和任何高级官员在办公室,你不要命(一)女性积极寻找死了,(和她)飞溅(她离婚),甚至善变?东方,有一个贤惠的女人,她是美丽的内部和外部的城市,是著名的,我替你去和他结婚,迟早会有一个答复。 “





仔细完整的无缝 - 论“孔雀东南飞”的艺术结构

^ ^所有叙事中青交替车道结构发展









^ ^穿插巧妙的复杂妥善


诗篇,繁简适当的切割性能。例如,它是开始的自述写兰格“十三能织素,14科学剪裁,15弹箜篌,十六诵诗书,随后一个跳跃:17个国王和妇女心中常苦悲。 “心中常苦悲”所有的折磨,遭受了强大的摘要平日里,随后还谈什么太晚关于别的省略了它们的。诗的集中书面抵赖性事件,已经完全适用于所有的不幸,兰格重点妈妈。如果兰芝回家后暂时不提锺栖嗯,以集中笔墨写兰格,这是裁剪功夫。另一个例子写兰芝回到她的家庭情况,他的母亲和惊痛,兰格“孩子的实际清白”只是一个借口匆匆通过,然后立即推出了新的矛盾。笔非常经济的转换非常快。

诗篇重要的情节,往往不惜笔墨多描述。兰格是休左胶价这是关键的命运,人物的变化,诗篇详细说明。写兰格以不同的方式说再见,与母亲的焦点,妹妹在法律,钟清塑造的人物从不同的角度。而且,如果兰芝回到娘家,诗篇安排两次强迫婚姻。这又是一个很大的变化,在人物命运。求婚者每次后盾,家庭比去年锋利的冲突。的第一裁判官家里的母亲嫁给他,说“汝可去抱怨情绪,然后完美的家和他结婚,熊转帐服务机构,”我没有结婚,俞和云吗? “这样严重的指控。诗篇过程中,如强迫婚姻的各种活动的红娘,母亲,弟弟的新闻,和兰芝的态度,做了详细介绍。这迫使这两个互为补充,并揭露的社会根源这场悲剧,兰格暂时允婚,最后自杀提供了充分的依据。

^ ^回荡在彼此的映衬下很多地方之前和之后的回声,并发挥了良好的映衬下角色

诗篇。如开头和结尾的所有禽流认为比兴,分别写孔雀徘徊怀旧,永不分离鸳鸯,渲染气氛,象征性的悲剧?/ DIV>

❷ 《孔雀东南飞》英语剧本,不是搞笑版的


孔雀东南飞 五里一徘徊
十三能织素 十四学裁衣
十五弹箜篌 十六回诵诗书
十七为君妇 心中常答苦悲
君既为府吏 守节情不移
贱妾留空房 相见常日稀

鸡鸣入机织 夜夜不得息
三日断五疋 大人故嫌迟
非为织作迟 君家妇难为
妾不堪驱使 徒留无所施
便可白公姥 及时相遣归

府吏得闻之 堂上启阿母
儿已薄禄相 幸复得此妇
结发同枕席 黄泉共为友
共事二三年 始而未为久
女行无偏斜 何意致不厚
阿母谓府吏 何乃太区区
此妇无礼节 举动自专由
吾意久怀忿 汝岂%B

❸ 孔雀东南飞英语话剧正常版

Sequence yue: LuJiang mansion in the fabrication of the han, small collectors, for ZhongQing jiao chung-ching wife liu sent by oath, mother since married. His family forced of, is she and die.The ZhongQing smell in court, also hanged himself in trees. Or, for the people's wounds.
The peacock flies southeast, five miles a wandering. "Ten SanNeng knit grain, fourteen learn. Fifteen play cut your coat according to your harp, 16 recite. Seventeen for prince fuhai, heart often bitter grief woman. Gentleman for both mansion collectors, and the feast situation not move. Base concubine blank room, meet often day dilute. Mi-combined through may not carry the woven, please. 3 is broken, alts too late. Not for weaving late, jun home alteress touch! Concubine driven, ACTS leave no extremely had done BaiGongLao. Then sent to timely phase."
Mansion, class to smell publicans mother: "son, and already BoLu phase, luckily after the woman. ZhenXi, nether world with loving friends working for a total of ErSanNian, beginning. Not for long. The female's what meaning do not skewed, to not thick."
"O's mother:" HeNaiTai trifling! Publicans without etiquette, this woman. We move from designed by Italian long bosom, thou art my wrath is free! Club have a female, since the name qin ROM apply. Poor body and clinking, o mother is your request. Will be sent, sent to quickly leave! "yishen mo
Mansion collectors long knelt accuse: "o FuWeiQi mother. Today sent this woman, if take no screwing up!"
O mother, hammer bed to smell and great anger: "boy without fear, how dare to help women have lost! We EnYi pragmatics, would not be phase from hui!"
Mansion collectors vision, and worshipped also enter a silent. "For the bride, said:" I stunble cannot language since no flooding qing, a mother. Your persecutions, o HaiGu, I today but temporary and quote mansion. Soon, also will mutually when returned. This mind, take under avoid falling violations we language."
"Bride" don't answer government collectors. Past opinions early heavy XieGuLai your door, Yang years old. Serve thing follow male, whoever designed basking in check? LingPing entangles routine, night and day frequently "essien said innocent suffering. Great, feed jailer. Still, what more FuLai dispatch more were still there Ru embroidery waist! Concubine, WeiRui since LuoFu dou account; red is suggested, four corners; box shade 669 peiwei down, green is silk threads that vision thing. In which each, all sorts of things. One, cheap men also insufficient for posterity. Leave to meet fertilizer, left no will. Always remains for comfort, because in my mind!" long mo
The Shu, bride mi-combined within strict to makeup. The I embroidered clip skirt, all four five. One step chickadee silk shoe, head tortoise light. If flow debauchery element, waist Dang ear the moon. Refers to such as cutting Onions root, mouth like including zhu Dan. Fine fine fine step, the sophisticated rival.
Like mother, o mother, o worship to anger than. "Yesterday for daughters, was born in a little wild. This since no lesson, and your family by mother die. More than female, unbearable money silks. Today, HaiGu driven." read mother fatigue home But with sister in-law don't, tears fell even beads. "Bride come help us early beginning; today is bed, sister in-law dispatch as I long. Frequently raise male heart basking, good since supporting mutually will. 7th, and the next nine playing mo in my mind." AD Ti car go, go down more than 100 lines.
Mansion collectors in the former, and the bride car horse behind. He HeDian faintly, all will be big crossing. In the car, and bowed down their heads, dismount were whispering, "which is a HaiGu apart, and temporary. We go today and to return soon mansion, when not in negative. Oath days!"
Bride: "feeling" mansion collectors reposibility.four bosom! King prince if both recorded, soon see looking person came to rock, concubine. Gentleman as PuWei valley. PuWei as rock as silk; without transfer. I have kissed fathers, critical of thunder, had not let me could mean, inverse with decoct I am." Hands cla, two sentiment long labor with supple.
Introction YanYi home don, a no. Big FuZhang, o mother since be: "not the son Taoism woven, 14 thee ten. Fifteen play can cut your coat according to your harp, 16 know manners. Seventeen sent thee to marry, said no oath" what sin. Your today refused to meet, not since?" Female: "o LanZhi place." real sinless son O mother homey mantra.
More than ten days, HaiGu sent media to magistrate. Clouds have third lang, gentle and graceful world rival. Years beginning 89, will convince make just.
Female: "o mother," thee to go. "should be
Female tearful answer: "o LanZhi earlier, mansion collectors see DingNing, so the oath not depart. Today, because it's not default. Since breaking's letter, the more slowly." "
White matchmaker: "o mother nowadays there is this female, beginning LiRen fitness rooms. Also, is extremely close to husband woman? Luckily, shall not he can be widely enquirer." teacher
Matchmaker, and found a few days sent lol, said there is Syria have your home female, bearing a eunuch cadastral. There is a fifth lang, charming cloud no escape married. For the matchmaker, the Lord sent lol general language book. TaiShou straight home, there is the make husband, both desire and sent to your righteousness, therefore door.
Go-between: "o mother thanks first, the old woman I have sworn basking said!"
O brother have to smell, disappointed heart vexed. Heave words "plan" a-mei: why don't marry! First amount, marry after government collectors like heaven and earth's chances. No, enough to honor your body. Don't marry to YiLang body, the HeYun to?"
LanZhi upward answer: "Richard says. XieGu firm as a brother thing husband, middle way also brother door fitness. Sanctions from Italy, the brothers as designed! Although, with mansion collectors will never AD for drainage. That, can be mutually and marriage."
Under the matchmaker bed to. Darfur at's complex. The White House also department in XiaGuan ruler: "mission, the talk big decree by destiny." Fu jun, heart to smell great joy. Depending on the calendar after open book, convenient this month, liuhe are appropriate. Good, now has 27 auspicious 30, do you go to be married. Pay speed attire, continuous as the floating clouds. Green BaiGu LongZi finches, the pennant corners. The wind turned, graceful king car jade for wheel. Cong horse, tassel loitered green gold filled afterward.not saddle. Ji money with QingSi wear, all three. Miscellaneous color SanBaiPi, hand in a wide city salmon Jane. From men put county door, 400-500 gloomy.
Female: "o mother," comfortable mansion jun book, tomorrow to greet ye make clothes. Why not? Don't make things will not lift up!"
Silent, o woman vision handkerchiefs mask, tears fell and crow mouth like diarrhea. Move me coloured glaze couch, before a buy window. Left hand, right hand hold fine yesterday feet. Facing into embroider clip skirt, late into single ROM unlined upper garment. An An day go to crow, ji gao mei troubles.
Mansion collectors, because this change; smell temporarily be false. Not to two sp6, homey horse sorrow. Hide A bride MaSheng, general chickadee shoe meet to meet. Disappointed, knowing is facing old away. JieTan make hand clap saddles, break our hearts: "since jun don't I, personnel cannot be measured. Fruit, and the first may not detail. I have that jun parents, persecution and kiss with my brother. Why should be others, you also hope!"
Bride: "refers to the government HeQing publicans high rock square and thick removed! He PuWei, a thousand: for between valley, then on that day. Your next to win your, I only st!"

❹ 哪位高手有英文版《孔雀东南飞》的介绍

以前我们演英文话剧写过 可是扔了....

❺ 《孔雀东南飞》英语短剧(搞笑版)剧情简介,简介一定要英文的


❻ 孔雀东南飞的英语剧本(不要搞笑版的!)

应该是你需要的焦仲卿Johnny (J for short) 刘兰芝Lunch (L for short)焦母Johnny's mother (JM for short) 刘母's mother(LM for short)太守之子Mayor's son(MS for short) 强盗Burglars(A B and C)Prologue (J作被打状跑上台,内砸出一卷纸筒,J被打中,狼狈不堪) J: Everybody says that I’m henpecked, but in fact, I'm as strong as a tiger, (小声) while my wife is WuSong. (指着上台处的门大声道)I'm not afraid of you! (内砸出一脸盆,J接住当成盾牌护着头)Then, I'm afraid of whom? My wife Lunch is the most famous woman in the neighborhood. She is braver than me, smarter than me and stronger than me. All this I do not care. I only want her to be tender than me. But she is not! Having a wife like this is just like living in the hell! (内又砸出一卷纸筒,击中J) My God! Who can help me?(下) Act1 (序幕结束时,JM作窃听状) JM(拄拐棍上): I can! (对门内)Lunch! Lunch! Where are you? L(扎着围裙,拿着锅铲,从门内跳出来): I'm here! What's up mum? JM: I've told you again and again that you should call me"my most beautiful graceful and dearest mother-in-law". L: OK. My most beautiful graceful and dearest mother-in-law, what's up? JM: Since you married my son you have be haved so badly. You have been so rude, so brusque, so lazy…… L: But…… JM: Never interrupt me! L: Never interrupt me! Since I married your son, that terrible Johnny, I have been working hard all day long, cooking and washing. I have raised tens of thousands of pigs and cks and chicken and…… JM: But all those you have done are not as valuable as a grandson! L(生气地挥动着锅铲): Oh, you want a grandson, don't you?(开始解围裙)Go and ask your son. I'm leaving!(扯下围裙,扔在JM的脸上,下) Act2 (LM坐在台上打毛线,L拿着锅铲上) L: Mum, I'm back! LM: You are back? Why? What happened? L: I was kicked out by my most beautiful graceful and dearest mother–in-law. LM(惊讶,但随即露出幸灾乐祸的神情): See! I have already told you! When you insisted on marrying that terrible Johnny, I told you that he is ugly stupid and poor, but you did not listen to me. Look at yourself…… L: But,mum…… LM: Never interrupt me! L: Mum, I’m not interrupting you.Ijust want to tell you that you are always right,OK? And I’ll marry whomever you want me to. LM(大喜): Nice girl! Just now,I met the mayor’s son in the market.He said: “If your daughter haven’t been married,I really really wantto marry her!” Now you are free again, I’ll go and tell him.(下) L(惊愕): What? The mayor’s son? The most famous playboy in the neighborhood?(手中的锅铲掉在地上)What a silly thing I have done!(下) Act3 (J睡眼惺忪上) J(边走边道): Lunch! Lunch! Where are my socks? (走了几步,在地上捡起袜子)Here they are!(闻一下)Er! How smelly! They are still dirty! (突然想起)Lunch has gone! I have to wash them myself. (他的肚子似乎咕咕叫了起来)Oh, I'm so hungry! But there's no breakfast!(捡起地上的围裙)This is what Lunch always wears! I miss her so much, and her excellent cooking skill! Now she has gone. I have to cook for my mother and myself. JM(上): Where's my breakfast? Where's Lunch? Hasn't she got up yet? J: Mum, can't you remember? Lunch has gone! JM(沉吟片刻): Well, to tell you the truth Johnny, a son without a wife is useless. Lunch is a nice girl, go and take her back! J(立正敬礼): Yes, madam! Act4 (J开心地走着,忽然跳出来三个强盗) A: Hey you! Stop and listen to us! The road is built by me!(抬脚重重地踩在一块大石头上) B: And I planted one tree!(亦抬脚踩在同一块石头上) C: If you want to go by this street---(欲踩石头,但踩到了A的脚) AB&C: Give us all your money! J(搜遍了每一个口袋,掏出1角硬币): Is 1 mao enough? (三强盗晕倒状,接着三人聚在一边商量) A: What bad luck! This guy is broken! B: If we can not rob any money today, we will have nothing to eat tonight! C: I heard that the mayor's son is going to marry Miss Liu Lan next month. We can go and rob the wedding! A&B: Good idea! J(惊讶): What? What? Lunch is going to get married? It's impossible! AB&C: Why? A pretty girl and a rich man, what a good couple! J: But Lunch is my wife! We haven't got divorced yet! (突然有了主意)I've got an idea! You are going to rob the wedding, don't you? I'll go with you. You take the money and I take the bride. B: Have you got any experience? J: No. But I've got this!(J脱下鞋子从里面摸出一张支票,上书$1,000,000) Act5 (转眼已到了婚礼之期.MS意气风发用红绸牵着新娘上,J盖着红盖头极不情愿地被拉上台) (J和三强盗跃至台中) ABC&J: Hey you! Stop and listen to us! A: The road is built by me! B: And I planted one tree. C: If you want to go by this street--- J: Give us all your money! (L听到J的声音,掀起了盖头) L(惊喜万分): Johnny!(不顾一切地飞奔到J的身边并躲到了的身后) (MS大怒,挥拳向J打来.J矮身一躲,MS打中了J身后的L,L晕倒) J(火冒三丈): How dare you beat my wife!(挥拳向MS冲去) (J与MS混战,JM上,以拐杖击晕MS) (J将MS胸前的新郎标志扯下戴在自己胸前) J(扶起L,关切地问): Honey, how are you? L(哭状): I hurt a lot! J: Don't cry baby. I'll go and fetch the medicine.(下) L(起身去追): Wait for me!(跑下) (音乐起Can You Celebrate)

❼ 帮忙把英文翻译成中文——英语话剧《孔雀东南飞》

Sequence yue: LuJiang mansion in the fabrication of the han, small collectors, for ZhongQing jiao chung-ching wife liu sent by oath, mother since married. His family forced of, is she and die.The ZhongQing smell in court, also hanged himself in trees. Or, for the people's wounds.
The peacock flies southeast, five miles a wandering. "Ten SanNeng knit grain, fourteen learn. Fifteen play cut your coat according to your harp, 16 recite. Seventeen for prince fuhai, heart often bitter grief woman. Gentleman for both mansion collectors, and the feast situation not move. Base concubine blank room, meet often day dilute. Mi-combined through may not carry the woven, please. 3 is broken, alts too late. Not for weaving late, jun home alteress touch! Concubine driven, ACTS leave no extremely had done BaiGongLao. Then sent to timely phase."
Mansion, class to smell publicans mother: "son, and already BoLu phase, luckily after the woman. ZhenXi, nether world with loving friends working for a total of ErSanNian, beginning. Not for long. The female's what meaning do not skewed, to not thick."
"O's mother:" HeNaiTai trifling! Publicans without etiquette, this woman. We move from designed by Italian long bosom, thou art my wrath is free! Club have a female, since the name qin ROM apply. Poor body and clinking, o mother is your request. Will be sent, sent to quickly leave! "yishen mo
Mansion collectors long knelt accuse: "o FuWeiQi mother. Today sent this woman, if take no screwing up!"
O mother, hammer bed to smell and great anger: "boy without fear, how dare to help women have lost! We EnYi pragmatics, would not be phase from hui!"
Mansion collectors vision, and worshipped also enter a silent. "For the bride, said:" I stunble cannot language since no flooding qing, a mother. Your persecutions, o HaiGu, I today but temporary and quote mansion. Soon, also will mutually when returned. This mind, take under avoid falling violations we language."
"Bride" don't answer government collectors. Past opinions early heavy XieGuLai your door, Yang years old. Serve thing follow male, whoever designed basking in check? LingPing entangles routine, night and day frequently "essien said innocent suffering. Great, feed jailer. Still, what more FuLai dispatch more were still there Ru embroidery waist! Concubine, WeiRui since LuoFu dou account; red is suggested, four corners; box shade 669 peiwei down, green is silk threads that vision thing. In which each, all sorts of things. One, cheap men also insufficient for posterity. Leave to meet fertilizer, left no will. Always remains for comfort, because in my mind!" long mo
The Shu, bride mi-combined within strict to makeup. The I embroidered clip skirt, all four five. One step chickadee silk shoe, head tortoise light. If flow debauchery element, waist Dang ear the moon. Refers to such as cutting Onions root, mouth like including zhu Dan. Fine fine fine step, the sophisticated rival.
Like mother, o mother, o worship to anger than. "Yesterday for daughters, was born in a little wild. This since no lesson, and your family by mother die. More than female, unbearable money silks. Today, HaiGu driven." read mother fatigue home But with sister in-law don't, tears fell even beads. "Bride come help us early beginning; today is bed, sister in-law dispatch as I long. Frequently raise male heart basking, good since supporting mutually will. 7th, and the next nine playing mo in my mind." AD Ti car go, go down more than 100 lines.
Mansion collectors in the former, and the bride car horse behind. He HeDian faintly, all will be big crossing. In the car, and bowed down their heads, dismount were whispering, "which is a HaiGu apart, and temporary. We go today and to return soon mansion, when not in negative. Oath days!"
Bride: "feeling" mansion collectors reposibility.four bosom! King prince if both recorded, soon see looking person came to rock, concubine. Gentleman as PuWei valley. PuWei as rock as silk; without transfer. I have kissed fathers, critical of thunder, had not let me could mean, inverse with decoct I am." Hands cla, two sentiment long labor with supple.
Introction YanYi home don, a no. Big FuZhang, o mother since be: "not the son Taoism woven, 14 thee ten. Fifteen play can cut your coat according to your harp, 16 know manners. Seventeen sent thee to marry, said no oath" what sin. Your today refused to meet, not since?" Female: "o LanZhi place." real sinless son O mother homey mantra.
More than ten days, HaiGu sent media to magistrate. Clouds have third lang, gentle and graceful world rival. Years beginning 89, will convince make just.
Female: "o mother," thee to go. "should be
Female tearful answer: "o LanZhi earlier, mansion collectors see DingNing, so the oath not depart. Today, because it's not default. Since breaking's letter, the more slowly." "
White matchmaker: "o mother nowadays there is this female, beginning LiRen fitness rooms. Also, is extremely close to husband woman? Luckily, shall not he can be widely enquirer." teacher
Matchmaker, and found a few days sent lol, said there is Syria have your home female, bearing a eunuch cadastral. There is a fifth lang, charming cloud no escape married. For the matchmaker, the Lord sent lol general language book. TaiShou straight home, there is the make husband, both desire and sent to your righteousness, therefore door.
Go-between: "o mother thanks first, the old woman I have sworn basking said!"
O brother have to smell, disappointed heart vexed. Heave words "plan" a-mei: why don't marry! First amount, marry after government collectors like heaven and earth's chances. No, enough to honor your body. Don't marry to YiLang body, the HeYun to?"
LanZhi upward answer: "Richard says. XieGu firm as a brother thing husband, middle way also brother door fitness. Sanctions from Italy, the brothers as designed! Although, with mansion collectors will never AD for drainage. That, can be mutually and marriage."
Under the matchmaker bed to. Darfur at's complex. The White House also department in XiaGuan ruler: "mission, the talk big decree by destiny." Fu jun, heart to smell great joy. Depending on the calendar after open book, convenient this month, liuhe are appropriate. Good, now has 27 auspicious 30, do you go to be married. Pay speed attire, continuous as the floating clouds. Green BaiGu LongZi finches, the pennant corners. The wind turned, graceful king car jade for wheel. Cong horse, tassel loitered green gold filled afterward.not saddle. Ji money with QingSi wear, all three. Miscellaneous color SanBaiPi, hand in a wide city salmon Jane. From men put county door, 400-500 gloomy.
Female: "o mother," comfortable mansion jun book, tomorrow to greet ye make clothes. Why not? Don't make things will not lift up!"
Silent, o woman vision handkerchiefs mask, tears fell and crow mouth like diarrhea. Move me coloured glaze couch, before a buy window. Left hand, right hand hold fine yesterday feet. Facing into embroider clip skirt, late into single ROM unlined upper garment. An An day go to crow, ji gao mei troubles.
Mansion collectors, because this change; smell temporarily be false. Not to two sp6, homey horse sorrow. Hide A bride MaSheng, general chickadee shoe meet to meet. Disappointed, knowing is facing old away. JieTan make hand clap saddles, break our hearts: "since jun don't I, personnel cannot be measured. Fruit, and the first may not detail. I have that jun parents, persecution and kiss with my brother. Why should be others, you also hope!"
Bride: "refers to the government HeQing publicans high rock square and thick removed! He PuWei, a thousand: for between valley, then on that day. Your next to win your, I only st!"

❽ 英语话剧《孔雀东南飞》中文翻译


❾ 英语话剧剧本《孔雀东南飞》旁白

Once upon a time there was a man called Jiao Jhonny.Look!He is coming.
Johnny's mother thinks she can help her son.
lunch goes back home.Her mother is making a sweater.
In Johnny's house. Johnny wakes up.He is looking for his socks.
Johnny is on the way to lunch's house.
Time passes quickly.The Mayor's son is going to married Lunch.