Ⅰ 港片《人间喜剧》里 的英文对白你们熟悉么


Ⅱ 求香港电影《人间喜剧》中三个人用枪互指时说的英文,我要完整,全部,拜托,有急用

王:I'm not gonna deceive you anymore. Yes... I'm a undercover cop.
许:I've told you before, a killer should not have any feeling.
杜:I feel like I've known him all my life, as we connected in our souls, like we been through life and death.
王:He'll think of me merely from the warmth of the sofa I just sat on just like the warmth of the sofa he just sat on will remind me of him.
许:What could this be but love? You're deserting me for an undercover cop!
杜:夕阳!As a killer, I've never loved anyone. ANYONE! Why did you have to betray me? Why don't you just shoot me?!
王:I know I can never repay what I owe you!
许:If I have to die, I wish I could die in your hands. Only the bullet of a killer can set another killer free...DO IT!
许:I'll never get over the fact...that our honor is nothing compared to your love!
王:We're destined to be enemies. Yet we admire each other. That's our tragedy.
杜:We'll be friends in our next life...maybe...

Ⅲ 求电影《人间喜剧》中最后三人对决时说的英文

是出自喋血双雄的片段, 下面是他们三个的英文对白:王:I'm not gonna deceive you anymore. Yes... I'm a undercover cop.
许:I've told you before, a killer should not have any feeling.
杜:I feel like I've known him all my life, as we connected in our souls, like we been through life and death.
王:He'll think of me merely from the warmth of the sofa I just sat on just like the warmth of the sofa he just sat on will remind me of him.
许:What could this be but love? You're deserting me for an undercover cop!
杜:夕阳!As a killer, I've never loved anyone. ANYONE! Why did you have to betray me? Why don't you just shoot me?!
王:I know I can never repay what I owe you!
许:If I have to die, I wish I could die in your hands. Only the bullet of a killer can set another killer free...DO IT!
许:I'll never get over the fact...that our honor is nothing compared to your love!
王:We're destined to be enemies. Yet we admire each other. That's our tragedy.
杜:We'll be friends in our next life...maybe...

Ⅳ 《人间喜剧》电影介绍 还有里面三人对峙的镜头是不是出自什么电影里

简 介

《人间喜剧》这戏名,来自巴尔扎克的同名巨著La Comédie Humaine。这91部小说合集,道尽19世纪法国人性的兴衰。

杀手司徒春运(杜汶泽 饰演)及失意编剧诸葛头揪(王祖蓝 饰演)一个冷酷,一个婆妈,各不相干的两个人,一天相遇,头揪误当春运是生死之交,却不知春运因需要紧守杀手守则 — 杀手不可以有朋友而起了杀心。头揪的思觉失调女友天爱出现,对头揪不停施以爱的虐待,令春运终于对头揪起了怜悯之心。


潘恒生:给Kama做检查的医生。他是著名的摄影师,凭《阮玲玉》等拿过金像奖最佳摄影。所以电影里他帮杜汶泽和Kama照相时说“我影相叻过做医生。” 现场的那帮业内人笑得好大声……
3. 王祖蓝家收藏的DVD是导演陈庆嘉和秦小珍的私伙。
4. 宁记:王祖蓝被大高个打的那场戏,在宁记火锅门口,这间连锁火锅店是著名电影人文隽开的。
5. 喋血双雄:杜汶泽、王祖蓝、许绍雄在小教堂三人对峙一场,向吴宇森《喋血双雄》致敬。他们念的英文对白,是对吴宇森之后去好莱坞拍英文片的调侃。而许绍雄说杜和王的“love”胜过与他的友情,是对香港电影中“男性情谊”的本质进行基情汹涌的揭露。
6. 那些串联的影片名啥的就不用讲了吧。
7. 杜汶泽打大高个时用的快拳,已经是今年第三个戏仿《叶问》的电影桥段(前两部:《花田喜事2010》,《72家租客》)。
8. 王祖蓝遇到薛凯琪是在香港国际电影节期间的太空馆。HKIFF是一年一度的影迷盛会,太空馆是放映场地之一。而《人间喜剧》选择在今年的HKIFF上作首映,地点在太空馆旁边的文化中心,与文本形成一个有趣的轮回对照,用影痴的故事给影痴带来一场狂欢。

Ⅳ 《人间喜剧》英文简介,急求!

Young killers SiTu Spring Festival transportation (DuMenZe act the role ofing) and the veteran (XuShaoXiong act the role ofing) from the mainland to Hong Kong to employment, because the news leaked, and the two of them were halfway, and meet in a building to meet terrace. Do not wait until the Spring Festival transportation penniless, but with a bad cold, cold snap, eventually fainted in land. Live in building in young writers various ge head (WangZuLan act the role ofing) found that pull Spring Festival transportation, this kind of mother-in-law mother and a little but the little man bring them back to his own home care. After a few degrees of Spring Festival transportation to revive eluded pulled them, to love each other is one track-minded flood to even talk about and savage girl friend XuTianAi (xue kaiqi act the role ofing) romance and tragic love history, was completely unaware of the danger is in.

With the passage of time, the killer and screenwriter friendship deepening day by day. Spring Festival transportation cold hearts melting away, the head pulled also learn strong and confident......

Ⅵ 港片《人间喜剧》里 有一段想象戏,杜汶泽、王祖蓝、许绍雄三人的英文对白。 好像是某部好莱坞电影 的经典


Ⅶ 人间喜剧里 后面 王祖蓝 他们在教堂里 三个人 说英文 然后开枪的是什么电影里的


Ⅷ 人间喜剧英文读后感 八百字


Ⅸ 求港剧《人间喜剧》(王祖蓝)的一段台词。是杜汶泽、王祖蓝、许绍雄三人在教堂里对峙时的英文对白。谢谢


Ⅹ 人间喜剧中高布塞克 葛朗台 纽沁根 伏脱冷 鲍塞昂夫人 拉斯蒂涅的英文名字怎么说

纽沁根是Nucingen 拉斯蒂涅是Eugene de Rastignac