Little Red Riding Hood(小红帽)
第一场:Little Red Riding Hood家
Mum: (妈妈拿着一个篮子,把桌紫的水果放在篮子里)
Little Red Riding Hood:(唱着歌,欢快地跑进来)Hi,mummy, what are you doing?
Mum: (一边把水果放在篮子里,心事重重地说)Grandma is ill. Here are some apples and bananas for Grandma. Take them to Grandma.
Little Red Riding Hood:(边提起篮子,边点头说)Ok!
Mum: (亲切地看着Little Red Riding Hood说) Be good. Be careful.
Little Red Riding Hood: Yes ,mummy.Goodbye, mummy.
Mum: Bye-bye. Darling.
(一阵轻快的音乐远而近,Little Red Riding Hood挎着篮子蹦跳跳地跳到花草旁)
Little Red Riding Hood: Wow!Flowers, how beautiful! (放下篮子采花)One flower ,two flowers, three flowers.
Wolf:(随着一阵低沉的音乐,Wolf大步地走上台)I am wolf. I am hungry. (做找东西状,东张西望) Here is a little red riding hood. Hi! Little Red Riding Hood. Where are you going? (做狡猾的样子和Little Red Riding Hood打招呼)
Little Red Riding Hood:(手摸辫子,天真地回答)To Grandma’s.Grandma is ill.
Wolf:(自言自语)I' ll eat Grandma. But……(对Little Red Riding Hood说)Hey, look! 6 little baby cks.
Little Red Riding Hood:(和6只鸭子随着音乐翩翩起舞)
Little Red Riding Hood:(停止跳舞)Hello! Baby cks,how are you?
Six Ducks:We’ re fine.Thank you. Where are you going?
Little Red Riding Hood:To Grandma’s.Oh, I must go, bye.
Six Ducks:Goodbye.
Grandma: (喘着气出场,颤颤悠悠地走到床前,吃力地坐到床边,喘了几口,打几个哈欠,慢吞吞地躺倒在床上。)
Wolf:(从树后出来,边走边说)I am very hungry now. (做找寻的样子)Where is Grandma’ s house? (高兴地对观众说)Aha , it’s here.(敲门)Bang, Bang, Bang.
Grandma: Who is it?
Wolf:(装出Little Red Riding Hood的声音,一边得意地摇动尾巴,一边说)It’s me. Little Red Riding Hood.
Grandma: (边说边起床) Come in, come in.
Wolf:(得意洋洋地走到床边) Grandma , I’ll eat you.
Grandma: (惊慌失措地抓紧衣服,瞪着眼睛,边叫迫从床上滚到地上)
Wolf:(得意地拍拍肚子,翘起大拇指)Yummy!I’ll sleep.
Little Red Riding Hood:(高兴地敲门)Grandma.Grandma.
Wolf:(装扮成Grandma的声音) Who is it?
Little Red Riding Hood:It’s me。Little Red Riding Hood. What a strange noise!
Wolf:Come in, Come in.
Little Red Riding Hood:(蹦跳着进来,把篮子放在桌紫,走到床前一看,跳回几步)Oh! What are big ears!
Wolf:I can listen to your sweet voice.
Little Red Riding Hood:Wow! What a big eyes!
Wolf:I can see you pretty face.
Little Red Riding Hood:Oh! What a big hand.
Wolf:I can hug you.
Little Red Riding Hood:(跪在床前,拉起Wolf的手,边摸边说)Look! What a big hands?
Wolf:(从床上跳起来说)I can eat you!
Little Red Riding Hood:(拼命地跑)Oh!No! No!
Wolf:(追到Little Red Riding Hood,做吃状,拍拍肚子说)It’s delicious. I still sleep. I like sleeping.
Hunter: (一边拿着枪,一边做寻找状出场)Where’s the wolf? Look! A door.(推门)The wolf is sleeping.
Hunter: (端起枪想打,又放下)What a big stomach! (摸摸Wolf的肚子)Grandma and Little Red Riding Hood are inside .I must be hurry.(从桌紫拿起剪刀,举起) Look! Scissors. (做剪Wolf的肚子)Cut, cut, cut.
Little Red Riding Hood/Grandma:Thank you.
Hunter: Grandma ,give me some needles and thread. Little Riding Hood ,Give me some stones.
Grandma: (从桌紫拿来针线)
Little Red Riding Hood:(搬来几个石头)One, two, three.
Hunter: (把小石头装进Wolf的衣服里)
Grandma: I'll thread it.
Hunter: (拿起枪)Woke up!
Wolf:(起床,两手托着大肚子)My stomach is so heavy.
Hunter: You big bad wolf, raise your arms!
Wolf:(边跑边说) Help! Don’t shot me!
Hunter: (开枪)Bang, bang!
Wolf: (应声倒下)
Hunter: The bad wolf is dead.
Little Red Riding Hood和Grandma:Yeah! Thank you.
Little Red Riding Hood、Grandma、Hunter(一起鞠躬): Thank you
『贰』 金明幼儿园英语童话剧三只小猪
三只小猪剧本 领衔主演: M: 猪妈妈 P1: 猪哥哥 P2: 猪二哥 P3: 猪弟弟 W: 老狼 主要演员: B1:小鸟1 B2: 小鸟2 旁白 故事内容: 旁白:Long long ago, there were three little pigs with their mother. They were very happy and they were very kind to their friends. Look! They are coming! (情景一:猪妈妈和三只小猪以及朋友们在森林里快乐的玩耍)(加快乐的音乐)(小鸟飞的音乐) B1: Hello! Nice to meet you! B2: Nice to meet you, too. B1: It is a nice morning. B2: Yes, it is! (猪妈妈和孩子出现) M: Come on, babies! Pp: We’re coming! M: Are you happy today? Pp: Yes. M: Do you want to dance? Pp: Yes. Music!(音乐响,猪妈妈和小猪一起跳舞) P1: Mom, look! We’re so strong! (伸出胳膊,亮出肌肉,三个小猪比健美) P2: Yes, I am strong. P3: No. I am strong! M: Yes! Yes! My babies! I think you should have your own house! Pp: OK! I ’d love to. M : You can do it! Pp: Yes! We can! Yeah! (做成功的动作) 旁白:The three little pigs make three houses. The first pig built his house with some straw. The second pig built his house with some sticks. The third pig built his house with some bricks. They all think their own house is best! But the wolf is coming! He is very hungry! (音乐) W: Gu, gu, gu gu gu. I’m very hungry. Oh, I sniff the pig’s smell. Aha! I have a good idea ! (来到第一只小猪的门前敲们) Little pig, little pig , let me come in! P1: No! No! Not by the hair on my chinny chin chin. W :Then I ’ll huff and I ’ll puff ,and I ’ll blow your house down. (吹一下,房子倒了,小猪突然发现,吓了一下,逃跑) P1: Oh! Help! Help! My brother! Please help me! (迅速进入第二只小猪家,马上关门) P1: Close the door! (堵着门) P2: What’s the matter? Don’t be afraid! P1: A wolf. A big bad wolf. W: Little pigs, little pigs, let me come in ! P1p2: No! No! Not by the hair on our chinny chin chins. W: Then I ’ll I ’ll huff and I ’ll puff ,and I ’ll blow your house down. (狼鼓足气吹一下,房子有点摇晃,又吹三下,两只小猪堵着门,挣扎之后,房子倒了) (挣扎快跑) P1p2: Oh , my god !Let’s run away, run away ! (跑到第三个小猪家的床底下哆嗦) P1: The wolf is very strong! P2: He wants to eat us! P3: My god, help me! (三只小猪都在床底下) W: Little pigs, little pigs. Let me come in! P1P2P3: No! Not by the hair on our chinny chin chins. W : Open the door! I can get the house down! (吹三下,没动,鼓足又吹三下,迟疑了一下) Why ? (最后吹三下,开始喘气了,然后倒地) P1p3p2 : Yeah ! We are safe! (歌曲幸福歌) 旁白:The wolf is very angry ! He has a good idea! He climbs the chimney! The birds tell the three little pigs! B1B2: My friends! Look at the chimney! (狼爬上了烟囱) P1: How to do? What shall we do?(开始转着跑) P2: Mom!Where are you? (哭着说) P3: Don’t worry! I know, let’s see if we can blow the big bad wolf. P1p2p3: OK , 123… W : Help! No! P1p2p3: The wolf is running! We are succeed! Yeah! M: My babies. You are good boys. How clever you are! (结尾曲.) 旁白:The big bad wolf was blown far away and he was so frightened of the three little pigs, he never came back. As for the three pigs, they lived happily ever after in their house made of bricks. 不知道您说的是这个吗
『叁』 求适合幼儿表演的英语舞台剧剧本,谢谢
小熊请客 第一幕: (旁白):在漂亮的大森林里,住着一群可爱的小动物,它们快乐的生活着。小熊要在新年这天邀请朋友们做客,一大清早,小熊们就开始忙里忙外了。(音乐起,房子,树,小熊上场) House:HayNewYear.Wearehouse. Trees:Wearetrees.HayNewYear. Tree:I’mTree. Tree:I’mgreen. Tree:I’mTree. Trees:We’retheforest. (树后退至背景处) Bear1:HayNewYear.Myname’at.I’mbigbrother. Bear2:Myname’sFrank.Thisismycar.Icandriveacar. Bear3:I’mBob.I’magoodboy.I’magoodboy. Bear4:I’mTom.Ilikeridingabike. Bear5:I’mJoe.Ilikeplayingfootball. Bear6:I’mKen.I’malittleboy.Icandraw. (熊爸爸,熊妈妈上场) Dady:I’mtheirfather. Mumy:I’mtheirmother. Bears:Morning,Mum.Morning,Dady. (Bears唱Mymother,myfather.) Mumy:Let’shavearest,OK?Children. Bears:OK!Yes!(下场) MumyDady:Today’ewyear.Wearegoingtoplayahost.Let’sgetready. 第二幕:小熊的朋友上场。 1.音乐起,花上场。 Flower:I’mredflower. Flower:I’myellowflower. Flower:I’mpurpleflower. Flower:I’mblueflower. Flower:I’mpinkflower. Flowers:We’reflowers. Dady:Hello,flowers.Welcome! Flowers:Hello,littlebears. Dady:Howareyou? Flowers:Fine,thankyou.Andyou? Dady:I’mfine,thanks.Comein,please. Flowers:Thankyou. (花退至背景) 2.音乐起兔上 Rait1:I’mRait. Rait2:I’mLittleRait. Rait3:I’mRait,too. Raits:We’reRaits. Rait:Lilltebear要请客,我们去做客。Let’sgo. Raits:OK! (敲门) Mumy:Whoareyou? Raits:WeareRaits.MayIcomein? Mumy:Comein,please. Howareyou? Flowers:Fine,thankyou.Andyou? Dady:I’mfine,thanks.Comein,please. Raits:Thankyou. Dady:Let’lay. Raits:OK! (song:Jump,Jump,Jump.) 3. Monkey1:I’mMonkey.Icanclimb. Monkey2:I’mMonkey. Monkey3:I’mMonkey,too. Monkey4:Icanclimbupthetree. Monkeys:weareMonkeys. () Mumy:Whoareyou? Monkeys:weareMonkeys.MayIcomein? Mumy:comein,please. Dady:Gladtomeetyou. Monkeys:Gladtomeetyou,too.Bananas,bananas,yellowbananas. Hereyouare. Dady:Thankyou. Mumydady:Let’ing.Let’sdance. Monkeys:OK! (singanddance:Climb,climb,climb.) 4. Elephant1:I havealongnose. Elephant2:Pleasegue.WhatamI? Elephant,elephant,bigelephant. Elephant3:Yes.Doyoulikeme? Yes. Ilikelittleelephant. Ilikeelephant,too. Elephant:Today’ewyear. Mumy:Haynewyear. Elephants:Haynewyear. Dady:Comein,please. Elephants:Thankyou. 5. Tiger,tiger Wow,Wow! Tiger1:I’mTiger. Tiger2:I’mTiger,too.Today’ewyear. Tiger1: Tigers:Openthedoor!Openthedoor! DadyMumy:No,no,goaway,goaway. Tigers:Ihavenofriends. 6. Panda1:I’mPanda. Panda2:I’mPanda,too. Panda3:I’mPanda,too. Pandas:We’rePandas.Today’ewyear.Haynewyear! Mumy:Hello,Pandas.Haynewyear! Pandas:Haynewyear! Mumy:Comein,please. Pandas:Thankyou! 7. Bird1:I’mBird. Bird2:I’mBird.Icainginthetree. Bird3:I’mBird,too. Birds:We’reBirds.Today’ewyear.Haynewyear! Dady:Hi,Birds!Howareyou? Birds:Fine,thankyou.Andyou? Dady:I’mfine,thanks.Comein,please. Birds:Thankyou. Dady:Let’lay. Birds:OK! (song:Littlebirdcainginthetree.) 8. Fish1:I’mFish. Fish2:I’mFish,too. Fish:We’reFish.Today’ewyear.Haynewyear! Fish1:Frog,Frog!Let’sgotogether,OK? Frog1:OK!Frogs,Frogs!Let’sgo!Let’sgo! Frogs:Let’sgo!Let’sgo! Dady,Mumy: Frogs:Haynewyear!Haynewyear! Dady,Mumy:Haynewyear!Comein,please.Mygoodfriends. 9
『肆』 适合幼儿学英语的话剧剧本::《三只蝴蝶》
旁白:花园里有三只美丽的蝴蝶。一只是红的,一只是黄的,还有一只是白的。 (蝴蝶随着音乐自由飞)
There are three butterflies in the garden. They are red, yellow, and white. 太阳:太阳出来了。 The sun is rising. 三只蝴蝶:(轮流介绍)我是红蝴蝶,我是黄蝴蝶,我是白蝴蝶。 I’m the red butterfly. I’m the yellow butterfly. I’m the white butterfly. 红蝴蝶:你们看,太阳出来了。 Look, the sun is rising. 黄蝴蝶:天气真好! What a nice day!
白蝴蝶:我们一起跳舞吧!(它们非常快乐地在花园里跳舞、游戏。) Let’s dance together.
旁白:有一天,它们正在草地上玩,突然下起了大雨来。 One day, they are playing on the grass, suddenly it’s raining. (乌云将太阳赶下台) 乌云:我来啦! I’m coming.
白蝴蝶:哎呀,下雨了,我们怎么办? Oh, it’s raining, what should we do? 黄蝴蝶:快找找避雨的地方呀! Find the shelter.
红蝴蝶:瞧,前面是红花姐姐的家,我们一起去问问吧? Look, it’s the red flower sister’s home. Let’s go! 旁白:它们一同飞向红花那里,齐声向红花请求说 They are flying there.
Sister, sister, we are wet, we are cold, please let’s go under your leaves. 红花:红蝴蝶的颜色象我,请进来!黄蝴蝶、白蝴蝶,别进来! The red butterfly looks like me, please come in!
三只蝴蝶(互相看了看)齐声说:我们三个是好朋友,相亲相爱不分手; We are good friends.
We stay together, we leave together.
旁白:雨下得更大了。三只蝴蝶在雨中飞舞着。 It’s raining harder. Three butterflies are flying in the rain. (乌云在场地中间做下雨状) 白蝴蝶:雨下得更大了。 It’s raining harder.
红蝴蝶:怎么办,快想想办法。 What should we do?
『伍』 适合幼儿园大班的10人左右的英语剧剧本
Q: What's the difference between a monkey and a flea?
A: A monkey can have fleas, but a flea can't have monkeys.
Q: How can you most irritate a farmer?
A: By treading on his corn?
Q: Which is the strongest creature in the world?
A: The snail. It carries its house on its back.
Q: What do people do in a clock factory?
A: They make faces all day.
一看到make faces这个短语,你可千万别以为是在钟表厂工作的人整天都做鬼脸呀!因为除了这个意思以外,它还可以从字面上解释为制造钟面。
Q: How do you stop a sleepwalker from walking in his sleep?
A: Keep him awake.
怎样才能不让梦游者(sleepwalker)梦游(walk in his sleep)呢?最简单的方法就是不让他睡觉。虽然这不是治疗方法,但如果让梦游者醒着呢,他的确就不会去梦游了。
He is really somebody
-- My uncle has 1000 men under him.
-- He is really somebody. What does he do?
-- A maintenance man in a cemetery.
-- 我叔叔下面有1000个人。
-- 他真是一个大人物。干什么的?
-- 墓地守墓人。
Not long after an old Chinese woman came back to China from her visit to her daughter in the States, she went to a city bank to deposit the US dollars her daughter gave her. At the bank counter, the clerk checked each note carefully to see if the money was real. It made the old lady out of patience.
At last she could not hold any more, uttering. "Trust me, Sir, and trust the money. They are real US dollars. They are directly from America."
Mrs. Brown: Oh, my dear, I have lost my precious little dog!
Mrs. Smith: But you must put an advertisement in the papers!
Mrs. Brown: It's no use, my little dog can't read.
Bring me the winner
-- Waiter, this lobster has only one claw.
-- I'm sorry, sir. It must have been in a fight.
-- Well, bring me the winner then.
-- 服务员,
-- 对不起,先生,这只肯定打过架了。
-- 哦, 那给我那个打赢的吧。
The mean man's party.
The notorious cheap skate finally decided to have a party. Explaining to a friend how to find his apartment, he said, "Come up to 5M and ring the doorbell with your elbow. When the door open, push with your foot."
"Why use my elbow and foot?"
"Well, gosh," was the reply, "You're not coming empty-hangded, are you?"
Advice for "Kid"
A bit of advice for those about to retire. If you are only 65, never move to a retirement community. Everybody else is n their 70s, 80s, or 90s. So when something has to be moved, lifted or loaded, they yell,"Get the kid."
Which woman?
One evening I drove my husband's car to the shopping mall.
On my return, I noticed that how sty the outside of his car was and cleaned it up a bit.When I finally entered the house, I called out."The woman who loves you the
most in the world just cleaned your headlights and windshield."
My husband looked up and said, "Mom's here?"
The doctor lives downstairs
"Doctor," she said loudly, bouncing into the room, "I want you to say frankly what's wrong with me."
He surveyed her from head to foot. "Madam," he said at length, "I've just three things to tell you. First, your weight wants recing by nearly fifty pounds. Second, your beauty could be improved if you used about one tenth as much rouge and lipstick. And third, I'm an artist---the doctor lives downstairs."
One Engine Left
A 747 was halfway across the Atlantic when the captain got on the loud speaker, "Attention, passengers. We have lost one of our engines, but we can certainly reach London with the three we have left. Unfortunately, we will arrive an hour late as a r
Shortly thereafter, the passengers heard the captain's voice again, "Guess what, folks. We just lost our third engine, but please be assured we can fly with only one. We will now arrive in London three hours late."
At this point, one passenger became furious. "For Pete's sake," he shouted, "If we lose another engine, we'll be up here all night!"
一架747客机正在跨越大西洋时,喇叭里传来了机长的声音:“旅客们请注意,我们的四个引擎中有一个丢失了。但剩下的三个引擎会把我们带到伦敦的。只是我们要因此晚到一小时 。” 过了一会儿,旅客们又听到机长的声音:“各位,你们猜怎么啦 ?我们刚又掉了第三个引擎。但请你们相信好了。只有一个引擎我们也能飞,但要晚三个小时了。” 正在这时,一位乘客非常气愤地说:“看在上帝的份上,如果我们再掉一个引擎,我们就要整夜都要呆在天上了。”
Logic Reasoning
A fourth-grade teacher was giving her pupils a lesson on logic.
"Here is the situation," she said. "a man is standing up in a boat in the middle of a river, fishing. He loses his balance, falls in, and begins splashing and yellin
g for help. His wife hears the commotion, knows that he can't swim, and runs down to the bank. Why do you think she ran to the bank?"
A girl raised her hand and asked, "to draw out all of his savings?"
小学四年级的教师正在给学生们上一堂逻辑课。她举了这么一个例子:“有这样一种情况,一个男人在河中心的船上钓鱼,突然失去重心掉进了水里。于是他开始挣扎并喊救命。他的妻子听到了他的喊声,知道他并不会游泳,所以她就急忙跑向河岸。谁能告诉我这是为什么?” 一个女生举手答道,“是不是去取他的存款?”
The preacher was vexed because a certain member of his congregation always fell asleep ring the sermon.
As the man was snoring in the front row one Sunday, the preacher determined he would teach him not to sleep ring the sermon. So, in a whisper, he asked the congreg
ation. "All who want to go to heaven,please rise." Everyone got up except the snorer. After whispering "Be seated", the minister shouted at the top of his voiced, "All those who want to be with the devil, please rise."
Awaking with a start, the sleepy-head jumped to his feet and saw the preacher standing tall and angry in the pulpit, "Well, sir," he said, "I don't know what we're voting on, but it looks like you and me are the only ones for it."
THE SCHOOL HEALTH FORMS had been distributed to the students with an error---the word "Sex" had been spelled with an "o". One mother, filling out the form for her son, wrote in the blank next to "Sox": "Usually brown."
[注] 英语中sex(性)与sox(袜)只有一个字母之差。
When the young waitress in the café in Tom's building started waving hello everyday. Tom was flattered, for she was at least 15 years younger than he. One day she waved and beckoned to Tom again. When Tom strolled over, she asked, "Are you single?"
"Why, yes," Tom replied, smiling at her broadly.
"So is my mom," she said. "Would you like to meet her?"
在汤姆工作的大楼里有一个咖啡屋,那儿总有一位小姐每天都和他打招呼。汤姆有些受宠若惊,因为这位小姐看上去至少比他年轻15岁。一天她又对汤姆招手并示意汤姆过去。于是汤姆走了过去。她问道,“您现在是单身吗?” “对,是单身,”汤姆满脸堆笑的说。 “我母亲也是,”她说,“您愿不愿意见见她?”
But the teacher cried
The six-year-old John was terribly spoiled . His father knew it, but his grandma doted on him. He hardly left her side. And when he wanted anything, he either cried or threw a temper tantrum. Then came his first day of school, his first day away from his grandmother's loving arms.
When he came home from school his grandma met him at the door.
"Was school all right?" she asked, "Did you get along all right? did you cry?"
"Cry?" John asked. "No, I didn't cry, but the teacher did!"
A Smart Housewife.
A smart housewife was told that there was a kind of stove which would only consume half of the coal she was burning. She was very excited, and said: "That'll be terrific! Since one stove can save half of the coal, if I buy two, no coal will be needed!"
Only cash and credit cards
When a man called a motel and asked how much they charged for
a room, the clerk told him that the rates depend on room size and number of people.
" Do you take children?" the man asked.
"No, sir," replied the clerk. "Only cash and credit cards."
一个人打电话给一家汽车旅馆询问房租,旅馆的工作人员回答说 房租的多少取决于房间的大小和住客的人数。
Does the dog know the proverb, too?
The little boy did not like the look of the barking dog.
"It's all right," said a gentleman, "don't be afraid. Don't you know the proverb: Barking dogs don't bite?"
"Ah, yes," answered the little boy. "I know the proverb, but does the dog know the proverb, too?"
Where is the father?
Two brothers were looking at some beautiful paintings.
"Look," said the elder brother. "How nice these paintings are!"
"Yes," said the younger, "but in all these paintings there is only the mother and the children. Where is the father?"
The elder brother thought for a moment and then explained, "Obviously he was painting the pictures."
Do you think it's the light that's attracting them?
Mike and his pregnant wife live on a farm in a rural area in the west of England. No running water, no electricity, etc. One night, Mikes' wife is begins to deliver the baby. The local doctor is there in attendance. "What d'ya want me to do, Doctor?
" "Hold the lantern, Mike. Here it comes!" the doctor delivers the child and holds it up for the proud father to see.
"Mike, you're the proud father of a fine strapping boy." "Saints be praised, I..." Before Mike can finish the Doctor interrupts, "Wait a minute. Hold the lantern, Mike." Soon the doctor delivers the next child. "You've a full set now, Mike. A beautiful baby daughter."
"Thanks be to..."
Again the Doctor cuts in, "Hold the lantern, Mike, Hold the lantern!" Soon the Doctor delivers a third child. The doctor
holds up the baby for Mike's inspection.
"Doctor," asks Mike, "Do you think it's the light that's attracting them?"
The poor husband
"You can't imagine how difficult it is for me to deal with my wife," the man complained to his friend. "She asks me a question, then answers it herself, and after that she explained to me for half an hour why my answer is wrong.
I Wasn't Asleep
When a group of women got on the car, every seat was already occupied. The conctor noticed a man who seemed to be asleep, and fearing he might miss his stop, he nudged him and said: "Wake up, sir!"
"I wasn't asleep," the man answered.
"Not asleep? But you had your eyes closed."
"I know. I just hate to look at ladies standing up beside me in a crowded car."
『陆』 谁可以提供幼儿园大班的英语情景剧剧本
Three Little Pigs 三只小猪 Mother pig: You have grown up. You must make 猪妈妈:你们已经长大了,你们得 your own houses. 为自己盖间房。 Goodbye, little pigs. Build a house. 再见,孩子们。去盖间房。 Be careful of the wolf. 小心狼。 Pigs: Yes, Mum. Goodbye. 三只小猪:好的,妈妈。再见。 Wolf: I’m hungry. Look! Three little pigs 狼:我饿了。看,三只小猪可 for dinner. Mmm. 以做我的美餐。 Sister pig: What are you doing, brothers? 猪妹妹:哥哥,你们在干什么? Ding-Ding: I’m building a house with leaves. 丁丁:我在用树叶盖房子。 Dong-Dong: I’m building a house with sticks. 东东:我在用树枝盖房子。 Sister pig: But leaves aren’t strong. 猪妹妹:可是树叶不牢固。树枝也不 And sticks aren’t strong. 牢固。 Brother pigs: Yes, we know. But it’s easy. 猪哥哥:我们知道。但它很容易。 What are you doing, sister? 你在干什么? Sister pig: I’m building a house with bricks. 猪妹妹:我在用砖头盖房子。 Brother pigs: Bricks! That’s very difficult. 猪哥哥:用砖头盖,那太难了。 Sister pig: I know. But bricks are strong. 猪妹妹:我知道,可是砖头很坚固。 …… Brother pigs: Oh, we’re finished. Let’s have 猪哥哥:噢,我们盖好了。我们打 a nap. 个盹吧。 Sister pig: My house is finished. My house 猪妹妹:我的房子盖好了,我的房 is strong. 很坚固。 Wolf: Little pigs. Little pigs. Open your 狼: 小猪,小猪,快开门! Doors! Brother pigs: No. No. Go away. 猪哥哥:不开,不开。快走开。 Wolf: This is very easy. Sticks and leaves 狼:这太容易了。树枝和树叶 aren’t strong. 都不牢固。 Storyteller: The wolf blows the houses down. 讲故事者:狼吹倒了房屋。丁丁和东 Ding-Ding and Dong-Dong run 东跑到龙龙家。 to Long-Long’s house. Brother pigs: Help! Help! 猪哥哥:救命! 救命! Wolf: Stop, you two pigs. 狼: 站住,你这两只小猪。 Brother pigs: Open the door, sister. The wolf 猪哥哥:妹妹,快开门。狼来了, is coming. Let me in. 让我们进去。 Long-Long: Come in, please. Don’t worry. 龙龙:快进来。别担心,我的 My house is strong. 房子很坚固。 Wolf: Where did they go? Oh they are 狼:他们跑哪儿了?噢,他们 Here. Little pigs. Little pigs. Open 在这儿。小猪,快把门打 the door! 开。 Three pigs: No. No. Go away. You bad wolf. 三只小猪:不开,不开。快走开。 你这只恶狼。 Wolf: I’ll blow it down. 狼:我要吹倒它。 Storyteller: The wolf blows and blows. He 讲故事者:狼吹呀吹,它不停地吹。 blows and blows. But the house 可是房子非常坚固。 is very strong.
『柒』 幼儿园英语童话剧的剧本,急求
英语童话剧本-----小红帽 Little Red Riding Hood 第一场:Little Red Riding Hood家 Mum: (妈妈拿着一个篮子,把桌子上的水果放在篮子里) Little Red Riding Hood:(唱着歌,欢快地跑进来)Hi,mummy..., what are you doing? Mum: (一边把水果放在篮子里,心事重重地说)Grandma is ill. Here are some apples and bananas for Grandma. Take them to Grandma. Little Red Riding Hood:(边提起篮子,边点头说)Ok! Mum: (亲切地看着Little Red Riding Hood说) Be good. Be careful. Little Red Riding Hood: Yes ,mummy.Goodbye, mummy. Mum: Bye-bye. Darling. 第二场:在路上 (一阵轻快的音乐由远而近,Little Red Riding Hood挎着篮子蹦跳跳地跳到花草旁) Little Red Riding Hood: Wow!Flowers, how beautiful! (放下篮子采花)One flower ,two flowers, three flowers. Wolf:(随着一阵低沉的音乐,Wolf大步地走上台)I am wolf. I am hungry. (做找东西状,东张西望) Here is a little red riding hood. Hi! Little Red Riding Hood. Where are you going? (做狡猾的样子和Little Red Riding Hood打招呼) Little Red Riding Hood:(手摸辫子,天真地回答)To Grandma’s.Grandma is ill. Wolf:(自言自语)I'' ll eat Grandma. But……(对Little Red Riding Hood说)Hey, look! 6 little baby cks. Little Red Riding Hood:(和6只鸭子随着音乐翩翩起舞) Wolf:(悄悄地藏到大树后) Little Red Riding Hood:(停止跳舞)Hello! Baby cks,how are you? Six Ducks:We’ re fine.Thank you. Where are you going? Little Red Riding Hood:To Grandma’s.Oh, I must go, bye. Six Ducks:Goodbye. 第三场:Grandma家 Grandma: (喘着气出场,颤颤悠悠地走到床前,吃力地坐到床边,喘了几口,打几个哈欠,慢吞吞地躺倒在床上。) Wolf:(从树后出来,边走边说)I am very hungry now. (做找寻的样子)Where is Grandma’ s house? (高兴地对观众说)Aha , it’s here.(敲门)Bang, Bang, Bang. Grandma: Who is it? Wolf:(装出Little Red Riding Hood的声音,一边得意地摇动尾巴,一边说)It’s me. Little Red Riding Hood. Grandma: (边说边起床) Come in, come in. Wolf:(得意洋洋地走到床边) Grandma , I’ll eat you. Grandma: (惊慌失措地抓紧衣服,瞪着眼睛,边叫迫从床上滚到地上) 灰狼把外婆吞到了肚子里。 Wolf:(得意地拍拍肚子,翘起大拇指)Yummy!I’ll sleep. Little Red Riding Hood:(高兴地敲门)Grandma.Grandma. Wolf:(装扮成Grandma的声音) Who is it? Little Red Riding Hood:It’s me。Little Red Riding Hood. What a strange noise! Wolf:Come in, Come in. Little Red Riding Hood:(蹦跳着进来,把篮子放在桌子上,走到床前一看,跳回几步)Oh! What are big ears! Wolf:I can listen to your sweet voice. Little Red Riding Hood:Wow! What a big eyes! Wolf:I can see you pretty face. Little Red Riding Hood:Oh! What a big hand. Wolf:I can hug you. Little Red Riding Hood:(跪在床前,拉起Wolf的手,边摸边说)Look! What a big hands? Wolf:(从床上跳起来说)I can eat you! Little Red Riding Hood:(拼命地跑)Oh!No! No! Wolf:(追到Little Red Riding Hood,做吃状,拍拍肚子说)It’s delicious. I still sleep. I like sleeping. Hunter: (一边拿着枪,一边做寻找状出场)Where’s the wolf? Look! A door.(推门)The wolf is sleeping. Wolf:(发出呼呼的响声) Hunter: (端起枪想打,又放下)What a big stomach! (摸摸Wolf的肚子)Grandma and Little Red Riding Hood are inside .I must be hurry.(从桌子上拿起剪刀,举起) Look! Scissors. (做剪Wolf的肚子)Cut, cut, cut. Little Red Riding Hood/Grandma:Thank you. Hunter: Grandma ,give me some needles and thread. Little Riding Hood ,Give me some stones. Grandma: (从桌子上拿来针线) Little Red Riding Hood:(搬来几个石头)One, two, three. Hunter: (把小石头装进Wolf的衣服里) Grandma: I''ll thread it. Hunter: (拿起枪)