Ⅰ 中文翻译成外语一直都存在出入,这会影响《哪吒》的票房么


Ⅱ 哪吒闹海 的英文是什么

Nezha Conquers The Dragon King 不过一般日本漫画里“哪吒”英文都是“nataku” 就是我这个名字啦~~

Ⅲ 哪吒闹海100个字



Ⅳ 哪吒闹海,nezha,conquers,the,dragon,king,1980,dvd,x264,aac,minisd-tlf,mkv

哪吒闹海的英文 Nezha Conquers The Dragon King

Ⅳ 哪吒闹海怎么缩写


Ⅵ 谁知道这些动画片的英文名字叫什么

舒克和贝塔 Shuke & Betta
葫芦兄弟 Bottle Brother
邋遢大王奇遇记:dirty king bizarrerie note
黑猫警长Cop Black Cat
雪孩子Snow Kid(自己翻的)
哪吒闹海:nce Nezha's Triumph Against Dragon King
没头脑和不高兴 Mei Tou Nao He Bu Gao Xing (只查到这个)
三毛流浪记 Vagrant Life of Sanmao
小蝌蚪找妈妈Small Polliwog Find Mother

Ⅶ 知名动画片、动漫的英文名称:

大闹天宫 Uproar in Heaven 哪吒闹海 Nezha's Triumph Against Dragon King 葫芦娃=> bottle gourd brothers黑猫警长=> Cop Black Cat小蝌蚪找妈妈 Baby Tadpoles Look for Their Mother三毛流浪记 Vagrant Life of Sanmao 太阳之子=> son of the sun圣斗士星矢 Saint Seiya七龙珠=> Dragon ball宠物小精灵=>pokemon美少女战士=> sailormoon猫和老鼠=> Tom & Jerry蜡笔小新=> crayon xiao xin奥特曼=> ultraman名侦探柯南=> conan加菲猫=> garfield机器猫==== Doraemon 天空战记 => war craft舒克和贝塔 Shuke & Betta 阿童木 astroboy邋遢大王奇遇记:dirty king bizarrerie note天空战记 syurato 魔神英雄坛 RAINBOW FANTASIA 樱桃小丸子 Chibi Maruko Chan魔神坛斗士 YoroiDen-Samurai Troopers 翰墨(汉墨) Hummerman
N队长 Captain N The Game Master
101忠狗 One Hundred and One Dalmatians / 101 Dalmatians
下课后 Recess
麦德兰 Madeline
波波安 Pepper Ann
金花鼠 Alvin and the Chipmunks
桑德坎 The Princess and the Pirate/SandoKan
绿巨人 Hulk
香蕉超人 BananaMan
夜行神龙 Gargoyles
恐龙家族 Dinosaurs
高飞家族 Goof Troop
猎犬汤恩 Dogtanian
职业明星 PRO Stars
阿德日记 Disney's Doug
街头鲨鱼 Street Sharks
深夜大盗 The Nighthood
悲惨世界 Les Misérables
星际恐龙 Extreme Dinosaur
梦境巡警 Captain Zed and the Zee Zone
神偷卡门 Where on Earth Is Carmen Sandiego?
阿历克斯 德国动画:Philipp die maus / 英文名:Philipp the mouse
小鬼迪克 Hobberdy Dick / 日本名:妖精ディック
极端力量 Ultraforce
巨鸭奇兵 Mighty Ducks
救难小福星 Chip N Dale
狡猾飞天德 Darkwing Duck 1st Season
鸭宝宝休易 Baby Huey
水獭小宝贝 PB&J Otter
怪鸭历险记 Count Duckula
奈德梦游记 Nightmare Ned
归乡历险记 Dungeons & Dragons The Complete Animated Series
航空小英雄 Tale Spin
华斯比历险记 The Adventures of Teddy Ruxpin
三个喜剧演员 Three Stooges
大力士海格力斯 Hercules
刺猬索尼克历险记 Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog (AoStH, US)
索尼克外传/索尼克 Sonic the Hedgehog (SatAM, US)
音速三兄妹 Sonic Underground (SU,US/France)
唐老鸭俱乐部 Ducktales
聪明的小矮人 Wisdom of the Gnomes
妙妙熊历险记 The Adventures of Gummi Bears
彭彭丁满历险记 The Lion King
小熊维尼历险记 The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
丹佛,最后的恐龙 Denver, the Last Dinosaur
魔法少女莎琳娜 Sabrina the Animated Series
蒙美萨的牛仔们 Wild West COWboys of the Moo Mesa
伯恩斯坦的小熊 The Becenstain Beacs
聪明的沃里,他在哪? Where's Wally/Waldo?
亚瑟王和他的圆桌骑士 Arthur and the square knights of the round table
斯达拉公主和宝石骑士 Princess Gwenevere and the Jewel Riders
瓦利安特王子传奇/英勇王子传奇 The Legend of Prince Valiant
特兰西瓦尼亚的宠物商店 Dr Zitbag's Transylvania Pet Shop/又名:Dr. Pickels Horrorshow

Ⅷ 急求一篇关于动漫的英文演讲稿!

中国第一部动画片《大闹画室》是诞生在1926年,1935年我国第一部有声动画《骆驼献舞》,都是万氏四兄弟的作品,不过,这些动画都没有引起大家注意,真正在亚洲甚至世界都产生了影响的,是1941年上映的中国第一部动画长片《铁扇公主》,1953年,我们拍摄出了中国第一部彩色木偶片《小小英雄》,在1954年的木偶片《小梅的梦》里,真人和木偶第一次同时出现在了一部片子里。而1956年的木偶片《神笔》,在国际上获得了儿童娱乐片一等奖,这是中国美术片第一次在国际上获奖。到1955年,第一部彩色动画片《乌鸦为什么是黑的》问世,1958年,出现了我国第一部剪纸片《猪八戒吃西瓜》,这为我国的美术片增加了一个新的品种。之后,在1960年,令全世界惊叹的“水墨动画”横空出世啦。代表作品就是《小蝌蚪找妈妈》还有《牧笛》,然后是中国动画的巅峰之作——《大闹天宫》,另外,这个时期著名的动画还有《小鲤鱼跳龙门》,《骄傲的将军》,《渔童》、《孔雀公主》等等等等……但是,文革的十年动乱,使黄金时期的中国动画落进了低谷,虽然后期也出了几部作品,但题材比较受限制。而且,这段时期对中国动画造成的最大冲击,是对人才的摧残,这场劫难使中国动画在未来的发展,整整缺失了一代人……甚至可以推测,现在动画的低潮状态,除了受外来动画的影响,也有那个时候造成的人才缺失的原因。 文革之后,中国动画又迎来了一个复兴时期,被称为中国动画的白银时代。《哪吒闹海》就出现在这个时期除了它之外,像充满智慧的《阿凡提》,简洁幽默的《三个和尚》,还有水墨动画《鹿铃》,风格古雅的《南郭先生》,毛茸茸的剪纸片《猴子捞月》,水墨风格剪纸片《鹬蚌相争》,幽默有哲理的《崂山道士》,还有《孔雀的焰火》、《小熊猫学木匠》《假如我是武松》《天书奇谭》《除夕的故事》《水鹿》《女娲补天》,还有优美感人的《雪孩子》都是这个时期的作品。 1985年——1995年的中国动画 时光机进入了85年,在85年到95年这十年间,也是80后接触国产动画最多的时间,这十年,应该说是咱们中国动画的一个转折时期,可惜不是好的转折。这段时间呢,咱们的国产动画也出现了一些好作品,这里面,给人留下最深刻印象的是一些动画系列片,比如《葫芦兄弟》,这部动画不论情节、色彩,还有明显的中国风格,都给80后这一代人留下了深刻的印象啊。另外还有《邋遢大王奇遇记》、《舒克和贝塔》,到现在还是经典。这段时间的单集动画里值得一提的是《山水情》和《不射之射》,这些动画就不像刚才那些系列片普及面那么广了……这些非著名的优秀动画里,《山水情》在国内外获得了多项大奖,但是,它也被称为中国水墨动画的绝唱,因为这个时候,这种精工细作的电影动画已经开始走向衰落,慢慢地开始走向了后来的学院派,而产业化模式制作的外国动画片已经开始冲击国产动画市场。从85年开始,有很多中外合资的动画公司进入了中国,大批动画人才都被这些公司挖角了。而相对的,还有很多外国动画却在这个时候低价卖入了中国市场。《变形金刚》、《花仙子》、《OZ国历险记》《铁臂阿童木》,这些动画大多题材新颖,想象奇特,色彩鲜明,受到了中国观众的欢迎—— 说起这95年以后的动画,唉,确实很难让人骄傲啊,这段时间里,国产动画开始有了粗制滥造,内容幼稚这些问题,而相比之下,进口动画可以说是势不可挡啊,什么圣斗士、忍者神龟、加上后来网络的发达,国外的动画几乎可以同步地进入国内。。

Ⅸ 求一篇最好不要超过三分钟的关于日本动漫的英语演讲稿!拜托大家了,急急急!拜托大家了!

Everybody, everybody is good
Thank you for give me this chance to expound his views, I today's topic is, a review of the present situation of Chinese cartoon.
As is known to all, China's animation instry development is not ideal, blue cat kind of inferior animation animation market is filled with the mainland, so we are helpless to Japanese anime. In fact, China is of great anime development potential, we have countless cartoon lovers, there are a lot of animation school, has trained a large number of animation talent, and both technically and in creativity, mainland have never lost to Japan, why such a good conditions for Chinese cartoon is not good-looking?
First is money problems, as the saying goes: one, nothing can be done without money. Chinese cartoon is an example of a blood rain forest. In Japan, an animation of a collection of ova fund highest can reach millions of yen, synthetic yuan probably also has hundreds of thousands, hundreds of thousands of ah! In the mainland can stretch into the hundreds of thousands of estimated to about 50 sets of animation, and it is very few, often make a Chinese animation for less than a fraction of the Japan made a collection of ova. Do not out high quality can be understood.
The second is the loss of talent, or that sentence, one, no one has anything to do, so many Chinese animation school proce so many animation talents gone? Very simple, go to Japan this kind of animation power. Look at the Japanese animation and the allocation of resources will understand, those working in the working group is almost all Chinese people. There is a preferential treatment, loose condition, and there are many styles of the film for you to choose, don't go there to blame?
, of course, some people say that we don't have the money to make excellent animation, indeed, in those days big heaven, which zha, the sea is in extremely harsh conditions made a classic. But that is a special period of special proct! According to the present condition, can spend a little money, can make a \"full metal panic\" wives and beautiful animation, even said that it's not easy, but why not do it? Reason is out at the end of the audit institutions - the state administration of radio, the state administration of radio in charge of all China broadcast television and audio and video procts of life and death, like all metal film, 24 minutes to delete to 17 minutes, that is to say, all the bloody violence (or even just slightly hinted) delete all content, and then change the script in a big mess, as a result, a complete animation was dismembered, and loses all the essence of the original, so who will feel good-looking animation? EVA introced into China, the original has been changed to 13 26 words, is almost a words play an apostle, and then finished. Everybody knows that EVA's essence lies in the largest stone for several minutes and a lot of character monologue, and administration of radio, film and just deleted them, the most cruel tragedy is tearing good things, this is EVA.
Also have to mention is that the animation of real money is not the animation itself, but its related peripheral procts, Japan BANDAI company is a very good role model, a good animation, even more than a decade ago the cold rice can find new business opportunities. Chinese businessman seldom saw this, why can the inferior animation like blue cat in China for nearly 10 years and continue to do, just because he turned to money, and suitable to children around the age of 5, the real key is he to cater to the taste of the state administration of radio, so vigorously support and promote the state administration of radio, resulting in a large number of similar inferior animation.
To sum up, if there is no open idea, really realize the animation business value of businessman, open policy, the development of Chinese animation instry almost impossible.
Every colleague, please everyone together to work hard, for the sake of Chinese cartoon tomorrow, in order to make Chinese animation has a brilliant tomorrow, we work together!

Ⅹ Family guy的观后感 要英文的一篇小短文 急需!! 顺便讲下美国动画和中国的区别

1.English:Guy invest about it
The Guy invest, is a very fantastic Family life, Peter is not often speak but often innocent delicious chambering fat, his wife from the home as Lois is willing with strange fatty husband, is in fact the super series look normal abnormal virtuous type. His eldest son (Chris) is a naive retarded children, The older daughter (Megan) is the most normal pity the drama was mediocre so often, family and school playing inside, desperate to love literature, fat, glasses, The younger Stewie series is lovely, football as head of the world's desire - often failed assassination, a super mama but scientists with a politician playboy and children. Diaper The Brain is cute puppy dog, white is the mature drama in the normal male looks. Anyhow, the animation is the classic talkshow type programs, very nice. I really like the American humor animated cartoon.

2.中文:《Family guy》观后感
《Family Guy》讲述的是一个十分荒诞的家庭生活,Peter是个说话不讲经常好色但又常天真好吃的胖子,他的妻子Lois来自权贵之家却心甘情愿跟着奇怪得胖子老公,是电视剧里看起来正常其实超级不正常的贤妻良母型。他的大儿子(Chris)是个天真的弱智儿童;大女儿(Megan)是电视剧里最正常的可惜相貌平平所以经常被家里人和学校的人作弄,内心极度渴望爱情的文学少女,胖,带眼镜;小儿子Stewie是电视剧里最可爱的,橄榄球一样的脑袋里充满了对世界的征服欲望--经常暗杀老妈但是失败,是个超级科学家政治家花花公子并且是个带尿布的孩子。小狗Brain是只可爱的成熟的白色狗,是电视剧里看起来最正常的male。总之,这部动画是美国的经典talkshow型节目,很好看。我非常喜欢这部美式幽默动画片。

3、 in the United States and China animation distinction:

The art of animation is a kind of world culture. Now, I stand in China, this paper analyses and animation in technology, contents, animation, three aspects of market operation.
(1) : Chinese sword, the sheath in dyeing and machines.
China lacks a lot of things but never animation lack good animation techniques, Japan's maiden blossoms "card", "inuyasha", "LangKe JianXin QiHun, etc, most processes are Chinese animation proction company. "Heaven", the noise of the image NaZha are extremely has the national JingXi paper-cut, etc. Modelling But the Chinese school "traditional" already cannot satisfy the market demand iconography, using modern technology, reference mainstream animation forward new demands for painting techniques.
American animated characters, because fine environment for 80 spectacular features. Tarzan of around the cane to the primeval forest, inces "shrek" 3D rendering of rich expression, the dinosaurs, polar express 3D effects of breathtaking occupy a wide world markets. Another problem is the voice actresses' actual recordings of the voice actresses' actual recordings, Japan has a instry, can become the Japanese animation is one of the reasons is that it has a very good voice, the animation is also often professional bbing voice actresses' actual recordings, and red star actors or China at this point, it is doing very little affection, bbing waking, look at the beautiful girl warrior ", the voice of the juvenile childish into animation brought the regret.

(2) : China "classical", the "modern"
Chinese animation "e-tainment", such as: the magic brush, "heaven", "on the sea", "NaZha gourd wa", "American" divergence "often... in the animation and western story".
"Hua", "ice age, Tarzan of dinosaurs," and ", "rich" heroism, science fiction or funny scenes.

(3) market in China, America, weak operations by enterprises.
China market consciousness weak. American animation finding commercial mixing.
China lacks professional personnel, the creation of animation script is the Disney cartoon except by Hollywood, many of the big movie companies such as dreamworks directly responsible for the proct. Along with the development of 3G animation film, the company also with some animation studios cooperation. Such as the eldest PIXAR (ace) 3 dimension PIXAR animation studios is attached to Disney, masterpiece: "toy story finding nemo, making the ant XiongBing", "shrek" PDI3 dimension of animation studio was also dreamworks acquisitions. This advantage is can make full use of these big movie companies and stars. America is the peripheral proct animation, and see the world that several Disneyland.



中国动画缺乏专业动画脚本创作人员,美国动画除了迪斯尼外很多是由好莱坞、梦工厂之类的大牌电影公司直接负责出品的。随着3G动画的发展,这些电影公司也与一些动画工作室合作。比如作为王牌老大的皮克斯(PIXAR)3维动画工作室就依附迪斯尼,代表作:《玩具总动员》《海底总动员》等,制作《蚂蚁雄兵》、《怪物史莱克》的PDI3维动画工作室也被梦工厂收购。 这样的好处是可以充分利用这些大牌电影公司的宣传造势和明星配音。美国对动画的周边产品开发更是无人能及,看看世界上那几个迪斯尼乐园就知道了。