A. 罗密欧与朱丽叶电影的英语台词
Romeo and Juliet This section contains the script of Act I of Romeo and Juliet the play by William Shakespeare. The enring works of William Shakespeare feature many famous and well loved characters. Make a note of any unusual words that you encounter whilst reading the script of Romeo and Juliet and check their definition in the Shakespeare Dictionary The script of Romeo and Juliet is extremely long. To rece the time to load the script of the play, and for ease in accessing specific sections of the script, we have separated the text of Romeo and Juliet into Acts. Please click Romeo and Juliet Script to access further Acts.这部电影的对白 http://..com/question/27438679.html
B. 求《罗密欧与朱丽叶》英文原著剧本!!!
十大经典爱情电影 《魂断蓝桥》 导演:茂文李洛埃 主演:费雯丽、劳勃泰勒 一战间,陆军上尉克罗宁在难得的假期中邂逅了芭蕾舞女郎玛拉,两人坠入爱河并互订终身。然而战争的残酷使得这对战火鸳鸯多受爱的煎熬,玛拉伤心之余沦落风尘,战后玛拉与克罗宁意外相逢,她自觉形秽无法继续这份恋情,最后玛拉在两人初识的滑铁卢桥上车祸身亡。 战火下的凄美爱情故事永远令人回味...... 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》(ROMEO AND JULIET) 导演:卡斯特拉尼 主演:劳伦斯夏威、苏闪仙托 该部电影的出处恐怕无人不晓——莎士比亚四大悲剧之一。这里为大家推荐的是1954年的版本,可能喜欢里奥那多版本的观众更多一些,但在牛奶中添加蜂蜜,是否让你与心上人品起来多了份腻味,而少了爱情原有的纯正? 两个家族间的世仇,导致了下一代的爱情悲剧...... 《花样年华》(In the Mood for Love) 导演:王家卫 主演:梁朝伟 张曼玉 王菲 1962年的香港。 苏丽珍和周慕云来到同一层楼寻找出租的房间。他(她)们是白领阶层的已婚青年,各自的配偶都没有出现。搬家那天,狭窄的走廊里,搬运工人屡次把他们的东西混淆,更增忙乱,他们就这样成为邻居,彼此之间开始拥有永远的秘密...... 经典,不是古典与泛黄的代名词。能够撩动我们心扉,铭记心间的,就是经典。 《泰坦尼克号》(Titanic) 导演:詹姆斯.卡梅隆 主演:莱昂那多·迪卡普里奥 凯特·温丝莉特 船头展臂迎风而立的姿势,让多少热恋中的情侣争相效仿。 且不笑模仿者的庸相百态,但他们在爱情生活中追逐中浪漫情怀却是神圣的。这条船上所发生的生死之恋远不抵日韩来得感冒。 唯一能让那批爱情份子连看N遍的理由,就是卡梅隆创造了"浪漫中的经典"。 一条沉船都能满载11项奥斯卡大奖,有什么理由不成为经典爱情片? 《人鬼情未了》(Ghost) 导演:杰里·朱克 主演:帕特里克·斯维兹 黛米·摩尔 该片的成功已不需累述,《人鬼情未了》 的歌曲优美动听,几乎人人都能哼出它的和谐旋律。 这部爱情悲剧在放映的头四个月就突破了两亿的票房,至今被人们认为是经典之作。这应该说是一部爱情悲剧,但导演却将喜剧成分巧妙地溶入悲剧之中,在严肃中透露出几丝欢乐,既为观众所乐见,又对加深影片主题有深刻影响。 只要我爱你,有什么不可以!这样的执着,今天的爱情故事中还有多少? 《西雅图夜未眠》 (Sleepless in Seattle) 导演:诺拉·埃夫隆 主演:汤姆·汉克斯 梅格·瑞安 《西雅图夜未眠》讲述了一个男子久久沉浸在失去爱妻痛苦中,最后在儿子的帮助下通过广播在茫茫人海中找到了自己的新伴侣。 梅格·瑞安与汤姆·汉克在帝国大厦前的相识,使相隔两地的姻缘就此一线牵住。 《心动》 (Tempting Heart) 导演:张艾嘉 主演:金城武 梁咏琪 莫文蔚 张艾嘉 苏永康 多年来与梦中情人兜兜转转,造成相爱无法相守的遗憾,失望与渴望之间,情未动而心已动...... 《莎翁情史》 (Shakespear in Love) 导演:约翰.麦登 主演:约瑟夫·费因斯 格温妮丝·帕尔特洛 乔弗瑞·拉什 该片获得最佳影片、最佳女主角、最佳服装设计、最佳原著剧本、最佳艺术指导与道具装饰、最佳原创音乐或喜剧片配乐、最佳女配角7项大奖。 面对已逝去的爱情,总有一方幻想着他们的爱情能出现转机...... 《电子情书》(You've Got Mail) 导演:诺拉伊伏朗 主演:汤姆·汉克斯 梅格·莱恩 《幸福的黄手帕》 主演:高仓健 日本的爱情连续剧,似乎更能胜过好莱坞的经典爱情电影。东方人的含蓄、朴素,对爱情的逆来顺受,恐怕是好莱坞制作组所无法体会的。
C. 罗密欧与朱利叶的英文剧本
he notes were prepared for use with an edition of Romeo and Juliet bound together with the book for West Side Story and in conjunction with a showing of Franco Zeffirelli's film version of the play, but they will be useful with any edition or proction.
The introction focuses primarily on comparisons with West Side Story, so it has relatively little to say about the play as such. As noted, this is often regarded as a lesser Shakespeare tragedy by scholars, but what should also be kept in mind is that audiences have made it one of the most beloved plays of all time from the Elizabethan Age to the present. Romeo and Juliet are often considered the archetypal lovers, and at one time "a romeo"--meaning a lover--was a common noun. Several operas and ballets have been based on the story. The play also contains some of Shakespeare's most-quoted lines, and some of the most beautiful.
Although Shakespeare's dialogue often reads beautifully enough on the page, please keep in mind that he never intended his words to be read. This is a script for performance, and our study of it will prepare us for a version of the real thing: the film version directed by Franco Zeffirelli. Like all proctions, it is an interpretation, leaving some things out, putting others in, placing emphases differently than other proctions. Your goal in this assignment should be to familiarize (or refamiliarize) yourself with exactly what Shakespeare wrote so that you can observe what it is Zeffirelli has done with it.
Shakespeare wrote almost no original plots. He used an English poetic retelling of an old Italian tale: Arthur Brooke's The Tragicall History of Romeus and Juliet. Despite its Italian setting, the language, attitudes, and customs are generally English. In one respect, Shakespeare altered the story in a way which is shocking to modern audiences: he lowered Juliet's age from sixteen to just under fourteen. There are several reasons he might have done so. Boys played the female roles in Shakespeare's theater, and they might have been more convincing as young girls than as more mature women (though audiences presumably found a boy playing Cleopatra or Lady Macbeth satisfactory). Shakespeare emphasizes the over-hastiness and premature nature of this love affair and probably felt he was underlining this theme at a time when marriage at fifteen was considered by no means shocking, though marriage at eighteen or twenty was in fact much more common. Shakespeare was notoriously inept at depicting children in his plays and he may not have had a really clear idea of what a fourteen-year-old girl would be like. Finally, the fact that the story is Italian may have fitted in with Northern European prejudices about hot-blooded early-maturing Southerners. However we imagine her, Juliet is given some of the most brilliant and memorable lines in the play, and is notable for her courage and wit.
Italian cities were infamous for their long-lasting, deadly feuds between prominent families. Elizabeth, like most absolute monarchs, abhorred eling and feuding and tried to suppress it. Shakespeare's play is in part his contribution to her "just say no" campaign against such conflicts.
D. 罗密欧与朱丽叶的故事
E. 《罗密欧与茱丽叶》舞台剧台词
Benvolio: Why, Romeo, art thou mad?
Romeo: Not mad, but bound more than a mad man is. Shut up in prison, kept without my food, whipped and tormented.
Romeo: O, wilt thou leave me so unsatisfied?
Juliet: What satisfaction canst thou have tonight?
Romeo: The exchange of thy love's faithful vow for mine.
Juliet: I gave thee mine before thou didst request it!
Juliet: O, swear not by the moon, the inconstant moon, who monthly changes in her circled orb, lest that thy love prove likewise variable.
Romeo: What shall I swear by?
Juliet: Do not swear at all. Or, if thou wilt, swear by the gracious self which is the god of my idolatry, and I'll believe thee.
Juliet: O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name, or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, and I'll no longer be a Capulet.
Romeo: Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?
Juliet: 'Tis but thy name that is my enemy, thou art thyself though not a Montague. What is Montague? It is nor hand, nor foot, nor arm, nor face, nor any other part belonging to a man. Oh, what's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other word would smell as sweet; so Romeo would, were he not Romeo called, retain that dear perfection to which he owes without that title. Romeo, doff thy name! And for thy name, which is no part of thee, take all myself.
Romeo: The world is not thy friend, nor the world's law.
罗密欧:世界不是你的朋友,世界的法律也不是。-------------------------->>>这是不要下载的精彩对白 我也很喜欢莱昂纳多的这部电影。这部电影里感觉他超帅= =、--------------------------电影台词是要下载的恩 不懂你会不会介意。http://shooter.cn/search/Sub:%E7%BD%97%E5%AF%86%E6%AC%A7%E4%B8%8E%E8%8C%B1%E4%B8%BD%E5%8F%B6%E5%90%8E%E7%8E%B0%E4%BB%A3%E6%BF%80%E6%83%85%E7%AF%87/?x=22&y=11&
F. 罗密欧与朱丽叶对话剧本英文版
With thou be gone? It is not yet near day.
It was the nightingale, and not the lark,
That pierced the fearful hollow of thine ear.
Nightly she sings on yond pomegranate tree.
Believe me, love, it was the nightingale.
It was the lark, the herald of the morn;
No nightingale. Look, love, what envious streaks
Do lace the severing clouds in yonder East.
Night’s candles are burnt out, and jocund day
Stands tiptoe on the misty mountain tops.
I must be gone and live, or stay and die.
Yond light is not daylight; I know it, I.
It is some meteor that the sun exhales
To be to thee this night a torchbearer
And light thee on thy way to Mantua.
Therefore stay yet; thou need’st not to be gone.
Let me be ta’en, let me be put to death.
I am content, so thou wilt wilt have it so.
I’ll say yon grey is not the morning’s eye,
‘Tis but the pale reflex of Cynthia’s brow;
Nor that is not the lark whose notes do beat
The vaulty heaven so high above our heads.
I have more care to stay than will to go.
Come, death, and welcome! Juliet wills it so.
How is’t, my soul? Let’s talk; it is not day.
Romeo and Juliet, III. V. 1-25.
G. 哪版罗密欧与朱丽叶的电影和莎士比亚写的剧本最相近
还是看《莎翁情史》吧 自述版罗与朱
H. 罗密欧与朱丽叶现代版的电影英文台词
Play Script - Text Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet Site Map Page Back Play Index Refer a Friend Script of Act I Romeo and Juliet The play by William Shakespeare Introction This section contains the script of Act I of Romeo and Juliet the play by William Shakespeare. The enring works of William Shakespeare feature many famous and well loved characters. Make a note of any unusual words that you encounter whilst reading the script of Romeo and Juliet and check their definition in the Shakespeare Dictionary The script of Romeo and Juliet is extremely long. To rece the time to load the script of the play, and for ease in accessing specific sections of the script, we have separated the text of Romeo and Juliet into Acts. Please click Romeo and Juliet Script to access further Acts. Script / Text of Act I Romeo and Juliet PROLOGUE Two households, both alike in dignity, In fair Verona, where we lay our scene, From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean. From forth the fatal loins of these two foes A pair of star-cross'd lovers take their life; Whole misadventured piteous overthrows Do with their death bury their parents' strife. The fearful passage of their death-mark'd love, And the continuance of their parents' rage, Which, but their children's end, nought could remove, Is now the two hours' traffic of our stage; The which if you with patient ears attend, What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend. SCENE I. Verona. A public place. Enter SAMPSON and GREGORY, of the house of Capulet, armed with swords and bucklers SAMPSON Gregory, o' my word, we'll not carry coals. GREGORY No, for then we should be colliers. SAMPSON I mean, an we be in choler, we'll draw. GREGORY Ay, while you live, draw your ne 查看更多答案>>
I. 罗密欧与朱丽叶的短片英文剧本哪有
这部音乐剧的作曲是Gerard Presgurvic,他在大学是主修电影,二十四岁那年,父亲送他一架钢琴,这激发了他对音乐的喜爱,他决定转行。在纽约旅行期间他遇见法国年轻歌手Patrick Bruel,两人一见如故。回到法国后他开始作曲,不但扑出了法国第一首饶舌的歌曲,并帮Bruel的第一张专辑所有的歌曲,已超过一百万的销售数字大获成功。后来,他又开始了电影配乐的工作,帮很多著名的电影谱写音乐,其中包括法国大导演Claude Lelouch的作品。1998年,他遇见了Gerard Louvin和Daniel Moyne这两个著名的法国电视制作人,彼此相见恨晚,决定一起把《Romeo and Juliet》搬上音乐剧的舞台,而不让Boubil与Schonberg的《Les Miserables》和Plamondon与Cocciante的《Notre-Dame de Paris》一直站在法语音乐剧的前列。在他们的构想中,这部剧的音乐采用古典兼现代的风格,不仅有优雅的管弦乐,还有电子合成音乐的danse d'instrie(工业舞曲)元素。
男主角Remeo的扮演者:Damien Sargue
在剧本与歌曲大致选定后,他们开始物色演员与歌手了。虽然成名的大牌也许会具有票房的号召力,但是他们为了符合莎翁原著中Romeo和Juliet都是未满十八岁的描述,决定开始公开选新人。最后入选担任Romeo的是Damien Sargue,他有着清纯俊秀的外表,八岁开始接受歌唱训练,90年代初,他在法国电视台的歌唱新人比赛中脱颖而出,一连获得6次优胜,唱片公司还特别为他录制了单曲,而当时他才10岁。由于父母希望他以学业为重,所以他并没有立即进入演艺界,一直到1998年才开始职业表演,在《Notre-Dame de Paris》中担任候补演员,在Gringoire或Phoebus休假的时候上场顶替。后来便获得Romeo的角色。
女主角Juliet的扮演者:Cecilia Cara
而来自Cannes的Cecilia Cara和Juliette一样,也是十五岁,而且还是初中生。她从三岁开始学芭蕾,五岁又开始学习唱歌,很快就显示出她惊人的演艺才华,经过多次歌唱比赛和戏剧演出后,她的技巧更成熟,更自信。在一次电视才艺大赛的五百名选手中,她只得第四名,但突出的外形和条件让节目的制作人特别欣赏,于是向《Romeo et Juliette》的制作人推荐,立刻就获得了Juliette的角色。
跟一般音乐剧往往把所有重心都集中在男女主角身上不同,这部剧除了Romeo与Juliette,其他的许多角色如双方的母亲,Juliette的奶妈La Nurse,Tybalt,Mercutio,Le Prince,Pâris等等也都有很多重要的歌曲和戏份,而Benvolio还兼任Conteur(故事叙述者)的角色,因此这些演员在精心挑选下,都有着非常高的演出水准,无论是歌声还是演技,都是非常不错的。而出演Benvolio的Gregori Baquet出身于演艺家庭,父亲是著名短片导演和舞台演员,所以他也是从小就接近演艺圈,在电视界相当活跃,也因而认识了《Romeo et Juliette》的两个制作人,获得演出机会。
2000年2月14日,《Romeo et Juliette》在巴黎首演,立刻轰动了全法国,被许多专家和观众推举为有史以来最杰出的音乐剧,不但风靡法国,许多不懂法语的人也纷纷爱上了这部音乐剧,事实上,由于这个故事内容早已家喻户晓,就算听不懂法语,欣赏起来也不会有多大的障碍。可惜由于某些未知因素,这部音乐剧还没有在国际上演出,也没能改编成英文版本而进入Broadway,从而打开更高知名度!
这部音乐剧非常讲究舞蹈,那些danseurs和danseuses不但个个有着深厚的芭蕾根基,而且也有些特技的,跟音乐搭配简直就是天衣无缝,甚至还不时出现凌空翻越的高难度动作,要比《Notre-Dame de Paris》还要精彩。当他们舞蹈时,音乐是用相当现代化的电子舞曲,也不会让人感到任何的不自在。在电子舞曲结束之后,接着出现的又往往是非常典雅的古典音乐,就这样来回穿梭于古今间的音乐似乎是一体的,所以说这部音乐剧一开始就在视觉和听觉上带来了强烈的震撼。