① 哈利波特的英文经典台词(随便10句)
1For a very sober-minded people, death is just another great adventure.对于头脑十分清醒的人来说,死亡不过是另一场伟大的冒险。
2 .This was a man deeply loved, despite the love our people have died, also left us with a protective shield Forever.被一个人这样深深地爱过,尽管那个爱我们的人已经死了,也会给我们留下一个永远的护身符。
3、We need to deal with the enemy superhuman courage, and to adhere to a friend in front of their position, but also a great deal of courage.对付敌人我们需要超人的胆量,而要在朋友面前坚持自己的立场,同样也需要很大的勇气。
4、Forever Do not believe any thing is capable of thinking independently, unless you see it to where the minds of the Tibetan.永远不要相信任何能够独立思考的东西,除非你看清了它把头脑藏在什么地方。
5、The performance of our true self, is our own choice, all this than we have the capacity even more important.表现我们真正的自我,是我们自己的选择,这比我们所俱有的能力更重要。
6、If you kill Harry, then you should we have to kill.如果你要杀哈利,那你要把我们也杀死!
7、Patron saint is a positive force, it is something initiated by Dementors food - hope, happiness, the desire to live - but it does not like real people do despair, so Dementors on the impossible It hurt.守护神是一种正面力量,它所倡导的东西正是摄魂怪的食粮——希望、快乐、活下去的愿望——但它不能像真正的人那样感到绝望,因此摄魂怪就没法伤害它。
8、Die than betray a friend, and we will do so for you!死了总比背叛朋友强,我们也会为你这样做的!
9、Your father live in you, Harry, you need him, he was in you know.你爸爸活在你身上,哈利,在你需要他的时候,他在你身上表现得最清楚。
10、Only through unity can we have a strong, if the split, then a single blow.我们只有团结才会强大,如果分裂,便不堪一击。
11、As long as we share the same objectives and open our hearts, habits and language differences will not be an obstacle.只要我们目标一致,敞开心胸,习惯和语言的差异都不会成为障碍。
12、I do not want it, nor need it. But I need some laughter. We may all need some laughter. I have a feeling that we will soon need a laugh more than usual.我不想要它,也不需要它。但是我需要一些欢笑。我们可能都需要一些欢笑。我有一种感觉,我们很快就会需要比往常更多的欢笑了。
13、The past will always come and we will accept it.该来的总归会来,来了我们就接受它。
14、But indifference, but also turned a blind eye is often straightforward than the harm to much larger offensive.可是漠不关心,还有视而不见,往往会比直截了当的厌恶造成的伤害大得多。
15、It is easy to forgive someone else's mistake, it is difficult to forgive someone else's right.人们容易原谅别人的错误,却很难原谅别人的正确。
16、Out-and-out is Dumbledore and more people, right, Potter?彻头彻尾是邓不利多的人,对不对,波特?
17、Only when the people here are no longer loyal to him (Dumbledore), he would leave this school.只有当这里的人都不再忠实于他(邓不利多),他才会离开这所学校。
第6中的,When we in the face of darkness and death, we fear that is unknown, in addition, no other.当我们在面对黑暗和死亡的时候,我们害怕的只是未知,除此之外,没有别的
② 哈利波特经典台词...
to fight, and fight again, and keep fighting, for only then could evil be kept at bay, though never quite eradicated...
③ 哈利波特1经典台词
《哈利波特与魔法石》 1. 麦格教授:这个孩子会非常有名, 我们世界里的每一个人都会知道他的名字。 Prof. McGonagall: This boy will be famous. There won't be a child in our world who doesn't know his name. 当邓布利多决定把婴儿哈利留在姨母家门前的阶梯上时, 麦格教授提出了自己的异议, 也许 这不合适?神秘人杀死了他的父母, 却只给他留下了一道闪电般的伤痕。 哈利是魔法界无人 不知的小英雄,但是他自己却将对此一无所知,在一个狭窄黑暗的碗橱里长大。 2. 弗农姨夫:世界上根本没有魔法! Uncle Vernon: There's no such thing as magic! 德思礼一家,如罗琳反复描述的,是最最“循规守据”的家庭,痛恨一切超出常理的事物。 在他们面前,说出“巫师”“咒语”这些词汇简直是大逆不道!家里居然有一个小巫师?这 、 是他们绝对不会承认,不能接受的。 3. 海格:你是一名巫师,哈利。 Hagrid: You are a wizard, Harry! 现实对德思礼一家如此残忍,漫天飞舞的信件还不够,即使逃到海中小岛,来自魔法界的追 踪也尾随而至。在巨大的冲击声中,海格打开了门,横冲直撞地走入了哈利的生活:哈利, 你是一个巫师!这是哈利 11 年来接到的最棒的生日礼物! 4. 奥利凡德:稀奇的是,你注定要使用这根魔杖,而另一根魔杖的主人给你留下了那道疤 痕。 Mr. Ollivander: It is curious that you should be destined for this wand when its brother gave you that scar. 在奥利凡德先生的店里,哈利试了一支又一支魔杖。用魔杖制作者的人来说,是魔杖选择主 人,而不是相反。选择了哈利的魔杖十一寸半长,冬青木,凤凰羽毛——他与伏地魔之间的 神秘联系在这里第一次被暗示,神秘人的杖芯,是出自同一只凤凰的羽毛。 5. 马尔福:你马上就会发现某些巫师家族比其家族高等,没有人想和差劲的家伙交朋友。 Draco Malfoy: You'll soon find out that some wizarding families are better than others, Potter. You don't wanna go making friends with the wrong sort. 巫师世界并不总是充满了新奇和欢乐,哈利很快就体会到了,在这个世界里,一样有种族和 阶级的分别。巫师,麻瓜,泥巴种,纯血家族,这些词汇还会在以后的故事里不断的出现。 不得不说,马尔福的这一席话所起的作用正是适得其反。 6. 邓布利多:哈利,人不能活在梦里,不要依赖梦想而忘记生活。 Dumbledore: It does not to do dwell on dreams, and forget to live. 厄里斯镜让哈利如愿见到了自己的父母, 可怜的孩子忘我的把自己沉浸在梦幻的世界中, 幸 好邓布利多将他点醒。 尽管此后哈利一直思念着双亲, 但他更愿意把这种思念化成面对现实 生活的力量。 7. 罗恩:哈利,你必须继续 前进,我觉得应该去的人,不是我,不是赫敏,而是你。 Ron: Harry, it's you that has to go on, I know it. Not me, not Hermione. You!
罗恩面对巨型巫师棋,不可能不知道其中的危险性。但是他有足够的朋友义气,而且他也明 白,只有哈利,才能达成那个最终的目标。不管这是救世主光环也好,主角金手指也罢,但 是罗恩在说这句话的时候,却是真心实意的。 8. 赫敏:我?只是靠书本和小聪明,但还有些更重要的条件,友情和勇气。 Hermione: Me? Books and cleverness. There are more important things: friendship and bravery. 当男孩子们羡慕赫敏的聪明和全能的时候,她却认为这没什么,不过是多看写书,再多动动 脑筋。而她提出的这两点,让我们看到这个女孩真正的特殊之处,的确,友情和勇气,是哈 利·波特能在魔法世界里一路前行的最重要的动力。
9.伏地魔:世上并没有绝对的善与恶,差别只在于强者和无法分清事实的弱者。 Voldemort: There is no good and evil, there is only power and those too weak to seek it. 伏地魔在蛰伏多年后,等待着东山再起,但是他的力量还十分单薄,不得不在奇洛教授后脑 勺的头巾里寄居。他对于强大的执着令他抛弃了道德,最终走上悲剧的道路。
10.邓布利多:要挺身而出对抗敌人的确需要很大的勇气,但要挺身而出反抗朋友却需要更 大的勇气。 Dumbledore: It takes a great deal of courage to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends.
吼吼~~~ LZ给分吧
④ 哈利·波特经典台词
Memorable Quotes from
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001)
Hagrid: You're the boy who lived.
[after Harry mentions Fluffy to Hagrid]
Hagrid: Who told you 'bout Fluffy?
Ron: Fluffy?
Hermione: That thing has a name?
Dumbledore: It does not do to dwell on dreams, Harry, and forget to live.
Ron: It's spooky! She knows more about you than you do!
Harry: Who doesn't?
Mr. Ollivander: Curious... very curious...
Harry: Excuse me, sir, but what's curious?
Mr. Ollivander: I remember every wand I've ever sold, Mr. Potter. It just so happens that the phoenix whose tailfeather resides in your wand gave another... just one other. It is curious that you should be destined for this wand... when its brother gave you that scar.
Harry: [puts a hand to his forehead] And who owned that wand?
Mr. Ollivander: We do not speak his name! The wand chooses the wizard, Mr. Potter. It's not always clear why. But I think it is clear that we can expect great things from you. After all, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named did great things. Terrible! Yes. But great.
Dumbledore: Dear Mr. Potter, we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Soon, you and your schoolmates will join us here, and your ecation in the magical arts will begin.
Hermione: Now, if you two don't mind, I'm going to bed before either of you come up with another clever idea to get us killed. Or worse, expelled.
Ron: She needs to sort out her priorities.
[about Fluffy]
Hagrid: I lent him to Dumbledore to guard the...
Harry: Yes?
Hagrid: I shouldn't have said that. No more questions, don't ask anymore questions!
Hagrid: [explaining how to get past Fluffy] You just play a bit of music and he'll fall right to sleep... I shouldn't have told you that!
[in the Devil's Snare]
Hermione: Stop moving, both of you. This is devil's snare! You have to relax. If you don't, it'll only kill you faster!
Ron: Kill us faster? Oh, now I can relax!
Hermione: [after Hermione and Harry sink in the Devil's Snare, Ron is still panicking] He's not relaxing, is he?
Harry: Apparently not.
Hermione: I remember reading about this in herbology... Devil's Snare, Devil's Snare..."It's deadly fun, but will sulk in the sun". That's it! Devil's Snare hates sunlight! Lumos Solem!
[she exerts a type of sunlight from her wand. Ron falls to the ground below]
Ron: [sigh] Lucky we didn't panic.
Harry: Lucky Hermione pays attention in herbology.
Hagrid: You're a wizard, Harry!
Harry: I'm a what?
Hermione: Harry, no way! You heard what Madame Hooch said, besides, you don't even know how to fly!
[Harry ignores Hermione, giving Malfoy an evil look, he flies up. The class stare up at him]
Hermione: What an idiot!
Draco Malfoy: [picks up Neville's Rememberall] Did you see his face? Maybe if that fat lump had given this a squeeze, he'd have remembered to fall on his fat arse.
Hermione: You'll be okay, Harry. You're a great wizard. You really are.
Harry: Not as good as you.
Hermione: Me? Books and cleverness. There are more important things: friendship and bravery. And Harry, just be careful.
Hermione: Ron, you don't suppose this is going to be like . . real wizard's chess, do you?
[one of the giant white pawns crosses the board, and smashes the black pawn with a violent blow]
Ron: Yes, Hermione, I think this is going to be exactly like wizard's chess.
Harry: I swear I don't know. One second the glass was there and the next it was gone. It was like magic.
Uncle Vernon: There is no such thing as magic!
Draco Malfoy: Think my name's funny, do you? No need to ask you yours. Red hair... and a hand-me-down robe... you must be a Weasley.
Dumbledore: What happened in the ngeon between you and Professor Quirrell is a complete secret, so naturally, the whole school knows.
[about Every Flavor Beans]
Dumbledore: I was unfortunate enough in my youth to come across a vomit-flavored one, and since then I'm afraid I've rather lost my liking for them. But, I think I could be safe with a nice toffee.
[eats it]
Dumbledore: ...Ah, alas, earwax.
Ron: Wingardium leviosa!
Hermione: Stop, stop stop! You're going to take someone's eye out. Besides, you're saying it wrong. It's Levi-OOO-sa, not Levio-SA
Hermione: Neville, I'm really, really sorry about this.
[raises her wand]
Hermione: Petrificus Totalus!
[Neville's arms snap to his sides, and he drops to the floor, frozen stiff as a board]
Ron: You're a little scary sometimes, you know that? Brilliant... but scary.
Hagrid: Dry up Dursley, you great prune!
Percy Weasley: And keep an eye on the staircases. They like to change.
Molly Weasley: [looks at Fred, hoping to get him onto platform 9 3/4] Come along, Fred. You first.
George Weasley: He's not Fred, I am!
Fred Weasley: Honestly, woman. And you call yourself our mother...
Molly Weasley: [to Fred] Oh, I'm sorry, George.
[Fred approaches the barrier with his trolley]
Fred Weasley: I'm only joking, I AM Fred!
[he runs through the barrier to the platform]
Hermione: Look at you playing with your cards. Pathetic! We've got final exams coming up soon.
Ron: I'm ready! Ask me any questions.
Hermione: All right, what's the three most crucial ingredients in a Forgetfulness Potion?
Ron: I forgot.
Hermione: And what may I ask do you plan to do if this comes up in the final exam?
Ron: Copy off you?
Hermione: No, you won't! Besides, according to Professor McGonagall, we're to be given special quills bewitched with an anti-cheating spell.
Ron: That's insulting! It's as if they don't trust us!
Aunt Petunia: This is what you're going to be wearing when I finish dying it.
Harry: But that's Dudley's old uniform! It'll fit me like bits of old elephant skin.
Professor Severus Snape: For your information Potter, Asphodel and Wormwood making a sleeping potion so powerful it is known as the draught of the living dead, a Beozar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat and will save you from most poisons. As for Monkshood and Wolfsbane, they are the same plant which also goes by the name of Aconyte. Well, why aren't you all ing this down?
Harry: Good of you to get us out of trouble like that.
Ron: Mind you, we did save her life!
Harry: Mind you, she might not have needed saving if you hadn't insulted her.
Ron: What are friends for?
Hagrid: Blimey, I'd love a dragon.
Harry: You'd like a dragon?
Hagrid: Vastly misunderstood beasts, Harry. Vastly misunderstood.
Professor Quirrel: Troll! In the ngeons!
[looks sick]
Professor Quirrel: Thought you ought to know.
[faints and crumples onto the floor]
Seamus Finnigan: I'm half and half. Dad's a muggle, Mam's a witch. Bit of a nasty shock for him when he found out.
Draco Malfoy: So it's true then, what they were saying on the train. Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts.
Caretaker Argus Filch: A pity they let the old punishment die... Was a time detention found you hanging by your thumbs in the ngeons... God, I miss the screaming.
Oliver Wood: Scared, Harry?
Harry: A little.
Oliver Wood: It's all right. I felt the same way before my first game.
Harry: What happened?
Oliver Wood: Er, I don't really remember. I took a bludger to the head two minutes in. Woke up in the hospital a week later.
Dudley Dursley: Daddy's gone mad hasn't he?
Professor McGonagall: Albus, do you really think it wise, leaving him here with these people? I've watched them all day, they're the worst sort of Muggles imaginable. They really are...
Dumbledore: The only family he has.
Professor McGonagall: This boy will be famous. There won't be a child in our world who doesn't know his name.
Dumbledore: Exactly. He's much better off growing up away from all of that... until he is ready.
Harry: I can't be a wizard. I'm just Harry, just Harry.
Ron: I'm Ron by the way, Ron Weasley.
Harry: I'm Harry. Harry Potter.
Ron: So... so it's true! I mean, do you really have the... the...
Harry: The what?
Ron: [in a hushed tone] The scar?
[Harry shows him the scar on his forehead]
Ron: Wicked!
Professor Severus Snape: There will be no foolish wand-waving or silly incantations in this class. As such, I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art that is potion-making. However, for those select few...
[stares at Draco Malfoy]
Professor Severus Snape: Who possess, the predisposition... I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper in death.
[notices Harry scribbling on his paper]
Professor Severus Snape: Then again, maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel confident enough to NOT-PAY-ATTENTION.
[steps over to Harry]
Professor Severus Snape: Mister Potter. Our new... celebrity.
Neville Longbottom: [about his new Remembrall] Only problem is, I can't remember what I've forgotten.
Ron: I think we've been a bad influence on her.
Ron: It's you that has to go on, Harry. I know it. Not me. Not Hermione. You!
[ring the final chess game; Harry looks around at the board]
Harry: Wait a minute!
Ron: You see it, don't you, Harry? Once I make my move, the Queen will take me. Then you're free to check the King.
Harry: No. Ron, NO!
Hermione: What is it?
Harry: He's going to sacrifice himself.
Hermione: No, you can't, there must be another way!
Ron: Do you want to stop Snape from getting that stone or not?
[Hermione looks stunned]
Ron: It's you that has to go on, Harry. Not me, not Hermione, YOU.
[Harry takes a deep breath and nods]
Ron: [after a deep breath] Knight to H3.
[Ron's horse moves to its new square. The white Queen turns, advances slowly upon him, then draws her sword and plunges it into his horse, throwing him violently to the ground]
Harry: RON!
[Hermione makes as if to run to him]
Harry: [to Hermione] NO! DON'T MOVE! Don't forget - we're still playing.
[Harry moves three squares diagonally to his left and turns to face the King]
Ron: Happy Christmas, Harry.
Dumbledore: It takes a great deal of courage to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends.
Dumbledore: Only a person who wanted to find the Stone - find it, but not use it - would be able to get it. That is one of my more brilliant ideas. And between you and me, that is saying something.
Dumbledore: And finally, I must tell you that this year, the third-floor corridor on the right-hand side is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a most painful death.
[Harry and Ron arrive late to Transfiguration, relieved that Professor McGonagall isn't there yet - then the cat sitting at the head of the class transforms into her]
Ron: That was bloody brilliant!
Professor McGonagall: Well, thank you for that assessment, Mr Weasley. Perhaps it would be more useful if I were to transfigure Mr Potter and yourself into a pocket watch. That way, one of you might be on time.
Ron: We got lost.
Professor McGonagall: Then perhaps a map? I trust you don't need one to find your seats.
Ron: What do they think they're doing, keeping a thing like that locked up in a school?
Hermione: You don't use your eyes, do you? Didn't you see what it was standing on?
Ron: I wasn't looking at its feet! I was a bit preoccupied with its heads... or maybe you didn't notice? There were three!
[looking at a recently-hatched dragon]
Hagrid: Isn't he beautiful? Oh, bless him! Look! He knows his mummy! Hallo, Norbert!
Harry: Norbert?
Hagrid: Yeah, well, he's gotta have a name, don't he?
Ron: Immortal?
Hermione: It means you'll never die.
Ron: [angry] I know what it means!
Ron: Mental that one, I'm telling you.
Harry: [on how Hagrid is refusing to say Voldemort's name] Maybe if you wrote it down...
Hagrid: Nah. Can't spell it.
[about the Bludgers]
Oliver Wood: Nasty little buggers.
Hagrid: You all right there, Harry? You seem very quiet.
Harry: He killed my parents, didn't he?
[puts a hand to his scar]
Harry: The one who gave me this?
[Hagrid is silent]
Harry: You know, Hagrid. I know you do.
[Hagrid sighs and pushes his bowl aside]
Hagrid: First - and understand this, Harry, 'cause it's very important - not all wizards are good. Some of them go bad. A while back, there was one that went as bad as you can go...
Lord Voldemort: There is no good and evil, there is only power, and those too weak to seek it...
[Harry enters the hidden chamber where the Sorcerer's Stone is being kept, expecting to see Snape - but instead he sees Quirrel]
Harry: You!
Professor Quirrel: I wondered whether I'd be meeting you here, Potter.
Harry: But I thought... Snape...
Professor Quirrel: Yes, he does seem the type, doesn't he? Why, next to him, who would suspect p-p-poor, st-st-stuttering Professor Quirrell?
Ron: Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow, turn this stupid, fat rat yellow!
Uncle Vernon: He will not be going! We swore when we took him in we'd put a stop to all this rubbish!
Harry: You knew? You knew all along and you never told me?
Aunt Petunia: Of course we knew. How could you not be? My perfect sister being who she was. My mother and father were so proud the day she got her letter. "We have a witch in the family. Isn't it wonderful?" I was the only one to see her for what she was... a freak! And then she met that Potter. And then she had you, and I knew you'd be the same. Just as strange, just as... abnormal. And then if you please, she went and got herself blown up, and we got landed with you.
Harry: Blown up? You told me my parents died in a car crash!
Hagrid: A car crash? A car crash kill Lily and James Potter?
Aunt Petunia: We had to say something.
Hagrid: It's an outrage! It's a scandal!
Uncle Vernon: He will not be going!
Hagrid: Oh, and I suppose a great muggle like yourself is gonna stop him, are ya?
Dumbledore: Harry, do you know why it is that Professor Quirrell could not bear to have you touch him?
[Harry shakes his head]
Dumbledore: It was because of your mother. She sacrificed herself for you, and that kind of act leaves a mark.
[Harry reaches up to touch his scar]
Dumbledore: No no, this kind of mark cannot be seen. It lives in your very skin.
Harry: And what is that?
Dumbledore: Love, Harry. Love.
[after being in the Dark Forest]
Harry: I think if he had the chance, he would have killed me tonight.
Ron: And to think, I've been worrying about my potions final.
Professor McGonagall: [on Harry and Ron beating the Mountain Troll] Five points will be awa
⑤ 哈利波特7伏地魔在霍格沃兹台词
Harry Potter......The Boy Who Lived......come to die.
哈利·波特… 大难不死的男孩儿…前来受死吧
Avada Kedavra
You can't help...
Harry dead!
From this day'll put your faith in me.
Harry Potter is dead!
And now it's the time to declare yourself.
Come forward and join us......or die!
Give me Harry Potter.
Do this and none shall be harmed.
Give me Harry Potter,and I shall leave Hogwarts untouched.
Give me Harry Potter,and you will be rewarded.
You have one hour.
“I know that you are preparing to fight.” There were screams amongst the students, some of whom clutched each other, looking around in terror for the source of the sound. “Your efforts are futile. You cannot fight me. I do not want to kill you. I have great respect for the teachers of Hogwarts. I do not want to spill magical blood.”
There was silence in the Hall now, the kind of silence that presses against the eardrums, that seems too huge to be contained by walls.
“Give me Harry Potter,” said Voldemort’s voice, “and they shall not be harmed. Give me Harry Potter and I shall leave the school untouched. Give me Harry Potter and you will be rewarded.”
“You have until midnight.”
⑥ 哈利波特经典台词
Dumbledore: It is not our abilities that show what we truly are ,it is our choices.
Dumbledore: It takes a great deal of courage to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends.
Ron:It"s not much, but it"s home.
Hermione: Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself.
Remus Lupin: That suggests that what you fear most of all... is fear itself.
Professor Trelawney: He will return tonight! He who betrayed his friends - whose heart rots with murder! Innocent blood shall be shed and servant and master shall be reunited once more!(那个预言)
Harry Potter: When we free him, I"ll never have to go back to the Dursley"s. It"ll just be me and him. We could live in the country, someplace you can see the sky. I think he"ll like that after all those years in Azkaban.小矮星彼得:父亲的骨头,不知情的给予;仆人的血肉,自愿奉献;再来是仇人的血,强迫取得,黑魔王就要重新复活了!
Petter Pettigrew: Bone of the father, unwillingly given. Flesh of the servant, willingly sacrificed. Blood of the enemy, forcibly taken. The Dark Lord shall rise again!
Sirius Black: The world isn"t split into good people and Death Eaters. We"ve all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That"s who we really are.
Severus Snape: Sentimental children forever whining about how bitterly unfair your lives have been. Well,it may have escaped you notice, but life isn"t fair.
Remus Lupin: You"re blinded by hatred.
Professor McGonagall: Why is it, that whenever anything happens, it"s always you three?
Severus Snape: You dare use my own spells against me, Potter? Yes. I"m the Half Blood Prince.
Harry Potter: The longer we stay here, the stronger he gets.
⑦ 求哈利波特的台词!!
1. 罗恩:不是很大,但总是个家。
Ron:It"s not much, but it"s home.
2. 韦斯利:哈利,你一定很懂麻瓜。告诉我,那个橡皮鸭到底是做什么用的。
Mr. Weasley: Now, Harry you must know all about Muggles, tell me, what exactly is the function of a rubber ck?
3. 哈利:伏地魔杀了我的父母,他不过是个杀人犯,没什么了不起。
Harry: Voldmort killed my parents, he was nothing more than a murderer.
4. 赫敏:不敢直呼对方的名字只会加深你的恐惧。
Hermione: Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself.
5 多比:只有主人送衣服给多比时,多比才能自由。
Dobby: Dobby can only be freed if his master presents him with clothes.
6. 马尔福:传人的仇敌,当心了!你就是下一个,泥巴种。
Draco Malfoy: Enemies of the Heir, beware! You"ll be next, Mudbloods!
The Sorting Hat: But I stand by what I said last year: You would have done well in Slytherin.
8. 邓布利多:霍格沃茨有人发出求救信号,必定会有人伸出援手。
Dumbledore: Help shall always be given at Hogwarts, to those who ask for it.
9 .汤姆・里德尔:伏地魔就是我的过去、现在还有未来。
Tom Riddle : Voldemort is my past, present, and future.
留在日记本中的16岁 Tom Riddle亲自向哈利演示了那个字母排列游戏。因为憎恶麻瓜父亲留下的姓氏,他必须给自己造一个新的,更响亮的名号。汤姆・马沃罗・里德尔就是伏地魔。是他附身金妮,打开密室,还要置哈利于死地。
10. 邓布利多:决定我们成为什么样人的,不是我们的能力,而是我们的选择。
Dumbledore: It is not our abilities that show what we truly are ,it is our choices.
1. 哈利:我不在乎,哪里都比这里好。
Harry Potter: I don"t care! Anywhere"s better than here.
Dumbledore: But you know happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, when one only remembers to turn on the light.
3. 卢平:你最恐惧的其实是恐惧本身。
Remus Lupin: That suggests that what you fear most of all... is fear itself.
4. 斯内普:是卢平,你是出来散步欣赏满月的吗?
Severus Snape: Well, well, Lupin, out for a little walk in the moonlight, are we?
5. 特里劳妮:他将会在今晚回来。今晚,那个背叛朋友的人、心灵被腐蚀的杀人凶手会平安逃走。无辜的人会流下鲜血,奴仆和主人会再次相逢。
Professor Trelawney: He will return tonight! He who betrayed his friends - whose heart rots with murder! Innocent blood shall be shed and servant and master shall be reunited once more!
6. 小天狼星:我宁愿死,也不会背叛朋友。
Sirius: I would die, rather than betray my friends!
7. 小天狼星:我永远不会忘记第一次走进学校的感觉,以自由之身再度走进去感觉一定很好。
Sirius: I will never forget the first time I walked through those doors, it will be nice to do it again as a free man.
8. 邓布利多:小孩子所说的话就算是事实,也无足轻重,尤其是对那些不善聆听的人。
Dumbledore: A child"s voice, however honest and true, is meaningless to those who"ve forgotten how to listen.
有些人从不把孩子们的意见当真,只会觉得那是幼稚的无理取闹。显然,邓布利多并不属于“有些人”,这位校长能被赞誉成魔法界最有智慧的人并非偶然。 他从不拒绝听取意见,也绝不会吝于给予帮助。如果没有他,小英雄的魔法之路会走得艰难许多。
9 哈利:等他自由以后,我就再也不用回德思礼家了。我们可以相依为命,我们可以住在乡下,一个看得到天空的地方。他被关了那么多年,一定很向往那里。
Harry Potter: When we free him, I"ll never have to go back to the Dursley"s. It"ll just be me and him. We could live in the country, someplace you can see the sky. I think he"ll like that after all those years in Azkaban.
10. 小天狼星:你要记住,所有真心爱我们的人都会在我们的身边,他们永远会陪伴着你,在你心中。
Sirius: But know this; the ones that love us never really leave us. And you can always find them in here.
1. 贝拉特里克斯:你应该感到荣耀,西茜,德拉科也是。
Bellatrix: You should be honored Cissy, as should Draco.
2. 汤姆・里德尔:我不信,她想让我去看病,他们觉得我跟别人不一样。
Tom Riddle: I don"t believe you. She wants me looked at. They think I"m... different.
3. 马尔福:在这么多人当中,他只选了我,我!
Draco Malfoy: I was chosen for this, out of all others, me!
4. 卢平:你是被仇恨蒙蔽了双眼。
Remus Lupin: You"re blinded by hatred.
5. 麦格教授:为什么每次有什么事发生,总是你们三个在场?
Professor McGonagall: Why is it, that whenever anything happens, it"s always you three?
6. 哈利:勇敢些,教授,像我妈妈一样,勇敢些。否则,您只会给她蒙羞,否则,她的死毫无价值,否则,您心里的碗会永远空着。
Harry Potter: Be brave, Professor. Be brave like my mother... Otherwise, you disgrace her. Otherwise, she died for nothing. Otherwise, the bowl will remain empty... forever.
7. 马尔福:你还不明白吗?我必须这么做,我必须杀了你,不然他就会杀了我。
Draco Malfoy: I have to do this! I have to kill you... or he"s gonna kill me!
8. 斯内普:你竟敢拿我发明的魔咒来对付我,波特。没错,我就是混血王子。
Severus Snape: You dare use my own spells against me, Potter? Yes. I"m the Half Blood Prince.
9. 哈利:我不会回来了,赫敏。无论邓布利多开始的是什么使命,我都要去完成它,我也不知道这条路会引我去何方,但如果可能,我会让你和罗恩知道我到了什么地方。
Harry Potter: I"m not coming back , Hermione. I"ve got to finish whatever Dumbledore started, and I don"t know where that"ll lead me, but I"ll let you and Ron know where I am when I can.
10. 赫敏:我一直很佩服你的勇气,哈利,但有时候你也太傻气了,你需要我们。
Hermione Granger: I"ve always admired your courage Harry, but sometimes you can be really thick. You need us.
1. 斯克林杰:不可否认,这是个黑暗的时刻,我们的世界不会面临比今天更大的威胁。不过我会对我们的公民说:我们是你们每一个人的公仆,将继续捍卫你们的自由并且设法排除这股力量。你们的魔法部仍然很强大。
Scrimgeour: These are dark times, there is no denying. Our world has perhaps faced no greater threat than it does today. But I say this to our citizenry: We, ever your servants, will continue to defend your liberty and repel the forces that seek to take it from you! Your Ministry remains, strong.
2. 伏地魔:我必须亲手杀死哈利・波特。
Voldemort: I must be the one to kill Harry Potter.
3 海格:十六年前我带你来的时候,你还不到一个轮子大小,似乎注定我也该带你离开。
Hagrid: I brought you here 16 years ago when you were no bigger than a bowtruckle, seems only right that I should be the one to take you away now.
4. 卢平:哈利是我们最宝贵的希望,相信他。
Remus Lupin: Harry is the best hope we have. Trust him.
5. 罗恩:没有她,我们活不到两天,别告诉她这是我说的。
Ron Weasley: We wouldn"t last two days without her. Don"t tell her I said that.
6. 哈利:我们停留的越久,他就越强大。
Harry Potter: The longer we stay here, the stronger he gets.
7. 罗恩:你不知道是怎样的感觉,你的父母死了,你没有家了!
Ron Weasley: No! You don"t know how it feels! Your parents are dead! You have no family!
8. 洛夫古德:合在一起成为死神的圣物,合在一起成为死神的主人。
Lovegood: Together, they make the Deathly Hallows. Together, they make one master of death.
9. 卢修斯・马尔福:如果是我们抓到哈利・波特,交给黑魔王,他就原谅我们,我们又可以回到从前了,明白吗?
Lucius Malfoy: If we are the ones to hand Potter to the Dark Lord, everything will be as it was, you understand?
10. 多比:多比没有主人,多比是个自由的精灵,多比来救哈利・波特和他的朋友。
Dobby: Dobby has no master, Dobby is a free elf,and Dobby has come to save Harry Potter and his friends.
⑧ 哈利波特英文经典台词
Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can't see where it keeps its brain.
Lord Voldemort's gift for spreading discord and enmity is very great. We can fight it only by showing an equally strong bond of friendship and trust. Differences of habit and language are nothing at all if our aims are identical and our hearts are open.
If you want to kill Harry, you'll have to kill us too!
What was there to be gained by fighting the most evil wizard who has ever existed? Only innocent lives! Died rather than betray your friends!
I'm never going over to the Dark Side!
Me! Books! And cleverness! There are more important things — friendship and bravery.
Give her hell from us, Peeves.
It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.
The truth,it is a beautiful and terrible thing, and should therefore be treated with great caution.
What would come, and he would have to meet it when it did.
He will only truly have left this school when none here are loyal to him.
It is our choices, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.
⑨ 哈利波特里的台词
1 倒装是因为前面的来never。这源是否定句式倒装的一个规定。具体可以去查语法书的倒装各种类型的部分。
2 这应该是口语用法。在imaginable前面省略了(they can)
3 far off远处,表示程度
4 固定用法。再者英式英语中有很多与美式英语不同的用法
5 这也是一种习语式的固定用法,不用追究太细。后面几种你大概只能在书面语言中见到比较多了
6 不是注册的意思。巫师世界是这样的,当一个具有巫师天质的孩子出生以后,霍格沃茨有一支羽毛笔就会自动记录下这个孩子的名字。这是罗琳创造的,属于罗琳的魔法世界中的一部分。所以这句话的意思就是说哈利从出生那一刻他的名字就被霍格沃茨登记在册了。