Ⅰ 【守望先锋】求士兵:76和麦克雷开大时的英语文字,蟹蟹!
76:i got u in my sights
麦克雷:It's high noon
Ⅱ 求守望先锋各人物开大时说的话,要英文的
突击英雄:士兵76:I've got you in my sights. (Tactical visor activated.)士兵76(Nano):Get out of my way! (I'm feeling unstoppable! )死神:Die... Die... Die...!!! (Clearing the area.)死神(Nano):Huhu... I feel alive. (I am unstoppable!)法老之鹰:Justice rains from above. (Rocket barrage incoming.)法老之鹰(Nano):System at max! (I am unstoppable!)源氏:竜神の剣を喰らえ!(The dragon becomes me!)源氏(Nano):力が涨ってくる! (Strength flows through me! / I am unstoppable! )麦克雷:It's high noon. (Step right up.)麦克雷(Nano):Buckle up, this gunslinger's loaded. / Ain't no stopping me! (I'm unstoppable!)猎空:bomb's away. (×)【感谢评论区
。猎空(Nano):No one's gonna stop me! (I'm unstoppable! )黑影:Apagando las luces! (EMP activated! )黑影(Nano):I am unstoppable!
防御英雄:半藏:竜が我が敌を喰らう!(Let the dragon consume you)半藏【白狼/独狼】:狼よ、我が敌を喰らえ!(The wolf hunts for its prey.)半藏(Nano):I cannot be stopped! (I am unstoppable! )堡垒:BEE BEE BEE BEE黑百合:Personne n'échappe à mon regard.(No one can hide from my sight.)【感谢评论区
(No one can hide from the hunter.)(备注:中间的"from my sight" 已停用,被"from the hunter"取代。仅作记录)黑百合(Nano):I feel alive! / I cannot be stopped! (I am unstoppable! )小美:冻住,不许走。(Freeze, don't move.)小美(Nano):Everyone, stay out of my way! (Nothing can stop me!)托比昂:Molten core!!! (×)托比昂(Nano):I'm feeling the power! (I'm unstoppable! )狂鼠:Fire in the hole! (Ladies and gentlemen, start your engine.)狂鼠【狂鼠斯坦】:Get ready for a shock!狂鼠(Nano):There's no one'd stop me now! (I'm unstoppable! )
重装英雄:D.Va:Nerf this.(Activating self-destruct sequence)【感谢评论区
D.Va(Nano):You're better get out of the way! (I am unstoppable! )路霸:×路霸(Nano):Come over here! (I am unstoppable!)毛妹:Огонь по готовности (Fire at will.)毛妹(Nano):I am strong! / My strength unleashed! (I am unstoppable! )温斯顿:×温斯顿(Nano):Feeling powerful! And I'm not even angry! (I am feeling unstoppable! )大锤:Hammer down! (×)大锤(Nano):Are you ready? Here I come! / I feel powerful! (I am unstoppable!)
/del龙骑士/del 奥莉莎:Cease your resistance.(Team up for Special Attack.)
奥莉莎(Nano):I am unstoppable!
支援英雄:天使:Helden sterben nicht.(Heroes never die.)天使【瓦尔基里/希格露恩】:Till Valhalla.天使【魅魔/魔女】:Heroes never die. For a price.天使【万圣节女巫】:My servants never die!天使(Nano):I feel empowered! / I feel unstoppable! (I am unstoppable!)禅雅塔:Pass into the iris. (Experience tranquility.)禅雅塔(Nano):I feel unstoppable. (I feel greatly empowered.)卢西奥:Let's drop the beat.(Oh let's break it down. )卢西奥(Nano):Hoh! There's no stopping me now! (I'm unstoppable! )秩序之光: (Teleporter online. We move swiftly.)【感谢评论区
(注:第一视角下打开传送门的语音:Teleporter online. I have open the path. 传送门使用完毕:My teleportor is offline, the path is closed. 传送门被摧毁:My teleporter has been destoryed.)秩序之光[Q2]:Shield Generator Online.秩序之光(Nano):There is nothing that will stand in my way! (I am unstoppable! )安娜:____ (You're powered up, get in there. / Nano boost administered.)(注:阿拉伯语似乎无法正常显示,请移步reddit讨论串:【what does Ana says when she activate her ultimate? : Overwatch】)(备注2:当被注射目标为自己时,提示语音为括号内前半句。当另一个队友被强化时,其他队友听到的语音为括号内后半句)安娜(Nano):I feel like I could take on the world! (I cannot be stopped! )
Ⅲ 有人知道麦克雷的大的原版台词是啥吗
城中大盗 ke./view/3967516。
Ⅳ 《守望先锋》里面每个英雄的大招台词有什么特殊意义
(1)源氏:竜神の剣を喰え!(尝尝龙神之剑!) ;半藏:竜が我が敌を喰らおう!(神龙,吞噬我的敌人!)
英文原文是Molten Core,即魔兽世界60级团队本“熔火之心”,算是暴雪玩的一个梗,而比昂神似矮人工程师的造型也和这句话很搭。
(5)狂鼠:Fire in the hole!
这句是美军在投掷爆炸物或爆破时的用语,提醒友军注意,后来人们在爆炸前都可以喊一句Fire in the hole来表示“要炸啦!!!!”
Ⅳ 麦克雷大招说的是什么意思
英文原版是It's High noon,源自于美国西部牛仔为了公平选择在正午太阳不会直射眼睛进行对决,中文翻译成了午时已到同时考虑了中国午时问斩,因为按照迷信说法人被杀了就阴魂不散,而正午阳气极盛可以冲散阴气
Ⅵ 守望先锋里麦克雷的大招语音“你猜”是哪种语言
那不是你猜,是it's high noon。国服翻译过来就是午时已到。
Ⅶ 《守望先锋》英文配音,开大招时都说的什么
法老之来鹰(Nano):System at max!自 (I am unstoppable!)
源氏:竜神の剣を喰らえ!(The dragon becomes me!)
源氏(Nano):力が涨ってくる! (Strength flows through me! / I am unstoppable! )
麦克雷:It's high noon. (Step right up.)
麦克雷(Nano):Buckle up, this gunslinger's loaded. / Ain't no stopping me! (I'm unstoppable!)
Ⅷ 麦克雷的大招英文是怎么设置的
案: Justice, rains from above. It's high noon I have got you in my signs. 其实在战网页面你可以设置你游戏的语言,调成英语就是这些了。 希望能帮...
Ⅸ 守望先锋麦克雷Q大招语音
Ⅹ “法鸡”,“麦克雷”,“76人美服开大”的英语台词是什么
1、Justice, rains from above.
2、It's high noon
3、I have got you in my signs.