㈠ 春节联欢晚会的一个节目初中英语作文60字
Study in daytime, I can only get to know the current situations both in and abroad through night news. And I would not be ignorant of the important issues.
Being an extroverted boy, I enjoy sports. The International Sports not only provides me with the current matches but also helps me learn a lot of playing skills.
Animals are human’ friends. I love animals. I can know about the animals I’m not familiar with from Animal World.
Therefore, night news, International Sports and Animal World are my favorite TV shows.
㈡ 英语作文 举办英语晚会
Hello, everybody,welcome to our English evening! Today is special one and we are so honor to get together! Before our starting ,please allow to to talk about something. There are 26 boys and 24 girls in our class .Well, we read English newspapers,talk stories in Enlish, listen English broadcasting in our spare time.For my part, we can enrich our English in these activities. All right,let's get to the point, we have some programs tonight,such as operas,singing ,dancing and so on .Hope you enjoy it.
㈢ 求春节晚会的英语作文!描写精彩节目的!2011年滴!
(原创 凑合着看看)
2011 the Spring Festival gala splendid extremely.The xi hip-hop admire.his crosstalk sketch is very interesting. Elegant dance singing and do not have a flavor.
My favorite program is co-sponsored by zhao ben shan and his followers staged sketch "Jane's you". This sketch humor. Even more shocking is a 54-year-old man could put sketch dective so humorous, amazing
㈣ 2015春节晚会中我最喜欢的节目写一篇英语作文60
您好:I like watching very quickly, love to see "top 360" in November December, and love to watch "cat and mouse". This is not, to the Spring Festival, I love to watch the Spring Festival gala.
I didn't like see the rest of the Spring Festival Gala, is light love to see the CCTV organization of the Spring Festival evening gala. The annual thirty night to see the night watch, haven't seen enough, and every day to watch the replay. Why? Because it shows people Baikanbuyan, read several times, still let people laugh.
The sketch features "said" is such a program. New "features" mainly tells a man for drunk driving was confiscated driving license, his facial features about who should take responsibility. Head mouth should not drink, mouth and say look not to see the police, said no heard the police car eye ear nose, ear said should not breath, nose said brain leadership is not good...... The responsibility around each other. The mouth says one of the most funny: "I told the police you, I can't, I still dare to watch them!"
I most like to watch the Spring Festival Gala, because it will allow us to easily smile. Some pieces also reflects the prevailing social atmosphere, like "not bad money".
The sketch "not bad money" said is an old man who is played by Zhao Benshan, in order to let the granddaughter "Avenue of stars", please the host Pichia teachers to eat, and make every attempt to befriend with him. Reflect the society elders to children have ambition, ethos of the back door. I think you want to make something of myself, can only study hard, can't go back.
The Spring Festival Gala really makes people laugh, but also make people laugh more than in, not thought on society.
㈤ 下周你们班要举办联欢会写一写同学们都为联欢会准备了那些节目英语作文
新生:“(从台边走出,像是在闲逛)我是##级新生,方年16,未婚。本人才高八斗,气宇轩昂,上知天文下知地理,是无所不知无所不晓无所不能!今天忽闻我学学生会要招收新生做干部,本来对做官是毫无兴趣,但听说做个学生会干部还挺威风的?就去看看吧!”(摇晃到学生会)新生: “哗! 一进门就是就是学习部,我们学校果然还是以学习为主啊!”学干部:(新生刚一进门就碰到了学习部部长,只见她手捧诗集在那边充满感情的朗诵)“床前明月光,疑是地上霜。举头望明月,低头思故乡!”(汗!!!!!)新生:(鼓掌走向他,当然是用拍马屁的语气说了)“想必这位一定就是学习部部长吧!小生拜见!!”(两手作揖)学干部:“哦,没错,鄙人正是号称会聚全校最顶尖的学习骨干分子的学习部部长!(洋洋自得)不知这位兄台有何贵干?”新生:“我是来学生会应聘做干部的,刚一进来就是你们学习部,而且被您的嗓音给吸引,所以就先来你们这个部门应聘吧!不知道做干部有什么条件吗?”学干部:“讫敢讫敢!兄台果然好志向,要说条件吗谈不上,到是需要些基本的东西。”(申出手正反看了下)新生:“什么东西?”(一脸好奇,看向她的手)学干部:“(面对观众)比如呢, 学习成绩 要在全校排名前十,其实我是全年级第一,所以就对你们放宽要求了,这是最重要的;(吹了下手指甲)然后呢要会一样乐器,比如钢琴或笛子,我可是会三种乐器的哦!(转向新生,看着他还在,又转向观众)所以就对你们放宽要求了;当然还有像我一样的艺术欣赏能力,(新生一听这个马上呕吐状,跑下了台)没必要像我这么诗情画意,但要有和我一样的嗜好。最后就是……咦?人呢?”(没等他说完,新生竟然已经不知所踪了)学干部:“怎么现在的同学都这么没耐心啊,算了,(朗诵的语气)就算部里就我一人,我也能撑起一片天空!我实在是太有诗意了!!!HOHOHO!床前明月光,疑是地上霜……”(朗读着走下舞台)新生:“(跑上来面对观众)哇!没想到学习部居然有这么一个自恋狂啊,被选上的话不就惨了!去别的部吧。咦?学生会竟然有个女生部?不知道这个部跟MM关系密不密切?”(出现一种比较淫荡的表情)女干部:(看到有人在门外,就走了出来询问)“这位同学有什么能帮你的吗?我是学生会女生部部长。”新生:“(小声拖长音)哇!女生部果然暗藏美女。啊,大姐,我是来应聘学生会干部的。”女干部:“哦,欢迎欢迎,请问你想应聘哪个部门的干部呢?”新生:“这个吗...哎!就你们女生部吧!”女干部:(面对
㈥ 给朋友介绍文艺汇演节目单的英语作文
如果你的梦想还站立来的话,那么没有自人能使你倒下”。 独自仰望夜空,从古至今,不知多少人面对着浩瀚的夜空,满天的繁星而放飞梦想,放飞希望、放飞未来。斑斓璀璨的星空又见证了多少伟大梦想的实现,人类就在梦想中一步步从荒蛮走向文明,从过去走向未来…… 人类最初的梦想是天真的。 看见鸟儿在空中飞翔,我们梦想能像鸟儿一样自由搏击广阔无垠的天空,于是我们有了飞机。 看见鱼儿在水里游弋,我们梦想能像鱼儿一样欢乐的遨游辽阔无际的海洋,于是我们有了船舶。 看见世间万物,我们梦想能超越一切,于是便有了现在…… 正如每一条小溪都梦想汇入大海,为此而奔流不息; 正如每一株树苗都梦想长成参天大树,为此而茁壮成长;也正如每一只雏鹰都梦想拥抱蓝天,为此而坚强的一次又一次张开翅膀。 正是因为拥有了梦想,又坚定了实现梦想的信念,许许多多不畏艰难的人们前赴后继,使一个个不可能变为现实。人类为了美丽的梦想,从未停止过艰难的求索。 哥白尼因大胆怀疑“地心说”的科学性,勇敢的提出了“日心说”而惨遭迫害。布鲁诺因宣传哥白尼的真理而被活活烧死。可是后人却没..