❶ 2012中秋晚会蔡依林为什么会当众失音


❷ 蔡依林中秋晚会腿上的是什么,怎么像薄膜


❸ 明天晚上中央台中秋晚会张韶涵林俊杰蔡依林他们分别什么时候唱歌


❹ 蔡依林2012央视中秋晚会没声 大家认为是谁害的

不是说前面凤凰传奇的是假唱 央视没来得及转换音响 因为公主是真唱的

❺ 各位有谁知道2012年中秋晚会蔡依林唱的歌名叫什么 急阿


❻ 中秋晚会蔡依林歌曲下面英文翻译.

大艺术家 great artist 他眼神湛蓝 像从爱琴海边刚归来 Blue-eyed he is from the Aegean Sea 上半身像诗人 下半身像流浪汉 Only half poet half tramp 你爱他神秘 爱他危险 Mysterious and dangerous 爱他颓废 爱他的优越 Decadent and with a sense of superiority 他心里的野兽 比毕加索更狂野 The beast within him is wilder than Picasso's 桃花比村上隆 画得更泛滥鲜艳 The peaches he paints richer than Murakami's 他爱你随和爱你方便 His love is free and cheap 敢怒不敢言 you are angry but dare not show it 你自我催眠 他是艺术家 you convince yourself he is a great artist 你给他色盘 去拼贴背叛 you set him free to cheat 他不是梵高 也不是莫奈 though no Van Gogh or Monet 他的模特儿 却都从来不缺少 he never lacks beautiful models 面对你他装得 乖的乖的 he behaves well in front of you 背对你却乱来 坏的坏的 but is bad behind your back 他只想搜集更多芭比娃娃 he just wants to collect more Barbies wake up 你是大艺术家 wake up you are a great artist 你真心创作的爱无价 the love you create is priceless wake up 别再做慈善家 wake up stop being the giver 你其实没有那么爱他 you dont love him that much 爱是缪斯女神的吻 love is the kiss of Muse 谁都应该被宠爱纹身 everyone deserves some spoiling 那种美能让维纳斯诞生 beautiful love gave birth to Venus 你无需忍受他的人才曹营心在汉 stop putting up with his cheating 要学会放下不甘戒掉母性泛滥 forget him be his mother any more 他要你让让 你就让让 he asks and you always give 说的爱你只是嚷嚷 his love is only words 他的博爱始终没有极限 his love is filled with cheating 复制谎言 瓶颈不曾出现 lies after lies never stop 你该说再见就说再见 千万别留恋 it is time to say goodbye ,forget him 你自我催眠 他是艺术家 you convince yourself he is a great artist 你给他色盘 去拼贴背叛 you set him free to cheat 他不是梵高 也不是莫奈 though no Van Gogh or Monet 他的模特儿 却都从来不缺少 he never lacks beautiful models 面对你他装得 乖的乖的 he behaves well in front of you 背对你却乱来 坏的坏的 but is bad behind your back 他只想搜集更多芭比娃娃 he just wants to collect more Barbies wake up 你是大艺术家 wake up you are a great artist 你真心创作的爱无价 the love you create is priceless wake up 别再做慈善家 wake up stop being the giver 你其实没有那么爱他 you dont love him that much 爱是缪斯女神的吻 love is the kiss of Muse 谁都应该被宠爱纹身 everyone deserves some spoiling 那种美能让维纳斯诞生 beautiful love gave birth to Venus 美不美丽不是安迪沃荷能决定 warhol couldnt identify what beauty was 大艺术家要有属于自己的感性 a great artist needs his own sensitivity 爱过就要拥有勇敢放手的淡定 be brave and let the past go 大艺术家会让爱情再文艺复兴 a great artist can revive love wake up 你是大艺术家 wake up you are a great artist 你真心创作的爱无价 the love you create is priceless wake up 别再做慈善家 wake up stop being the giver 你其实没有那么爱他 you dont love him that much 爱是缪斯女神的吻 love is the kiss of Muse 谁都应该被宠爱纹身 everyone deserves some spoiling 那种美能让维纳斯诞生 beautiful love gave birth to Venus 说爱你 say i love you 关于爱情过去没有异想的结局 the outcome of love beyond my imagining 那天起却颠覆了自己逻辑 that day my thinking changed 我的怀疑所有答案因你而明白 i can find all the answers because of you 转啊转 就真的遇见Mr. Right now i've met you,Mr. Right 我的世界变得奇妙更难以言喻 my world has become wonderfu 还以为是从天而降的梦境 i thought it was just a dream 知道确定手的温度来自你心里 till the warmth of your hands tells me otherwise 这一刻也终于勇敢说爱你 now i can finally say i love you 舞娘Dancing Diva 月光放肆在染色的窗边 moonlight dancing by the window 尘烟魔幻所有视觉 everything is blurred 再一杯那古老神秘恒河水 i drink some water from the Ganges River 我镶在额头的猫眼揭开了庆典 then i open the celebration 为爱囚禁数千年的关节 imprisoned for love for thousands of years 正诉说遗忘的爱恋 a body telling of forgotten love 听所有喜悲系在我的腰间 all the happiness and sadness in my heart 让那些画面再出现再回到从前 all the memories recalled 旋转跳跃我闭着眼 eyed closed,the memorise leap in my heart 尘嚣看不见 你沉醉了没 are you drunk amid the confusion? 白雪夏夜我不停歇 i never stop 模糊了年岁 forgetting the past 时光的沙漏被我踩碎 i broke the hourglass of time 旋转跳跃我闭着眼 eyed closed,the memorise leap in my heart 尘嚣看不见 你沉醉了没 are you drunk amid the confusion? 白雪夏夜我不停歇 i never stop 模糊了年岁 forgetting the past 舞娘的喜悲没人看见 no one sees the dancing diva's joy and sadness

❼ 2012中秋晚会蔡依林为何失声谢谢了,大神帮忙啊

因为大陆很多歌手都是假唱,前面那个凤凰传奇明显对嘴型都没对上,MD音响师直接把麦给切了,到了依林真唱的时候反倒忘记开麦了!气愤,什么破央视,这都能出差错,公主太委屈了。 好在公主镇定自若,王者霸气范尽显!

❽ 中华情中秋晚会有蔡依林吗


❾ 为什么蔡依林中秋晚会唱两首歌
