❶ 地铁与火车的故事


地铁与火车的故事地铁与火车的故事廉江市一小 五班 温煜 从前地铁、火车和现在的不一样,它们全都在陆地上跑,地铁与火车的故事。所以名字也不同,一个叫快铁,一个叫冲车,他们名字之所以会改变,都是因为一件小事……以前地铁和火车经常闹矛盾,都对对方不满意。有一天,快铁在路中间睡大觉,正睡得香呢,突然冲车疾驰而来,那速度简直风驰电掣,眼看就要撞上了,冲车来了一个急刹车,“吱吱——轰隆!”可是还是撞上了,快铁的油箱给撞飞了!冲车的车厢也碎了,就开始抱怨起来了:“你小子!竟然睡在路中央,你疯了?”“明明是你没长眼睛!”快铁也不甘示弱,小学三年级作文《地铁与火车的故事》。“你有证据吗?笨蛋!”“哼!反正你赔!”“为什么?”“我去向智慧老人讨个公道!”“我也去!”来到智慧老人家,快铁把事情的起因经过告诉了智慧老人。老人想了想说:“你们分开行驶,快铁去地下,冲车你留在地面!你们就分开了!”从此,快铁就成了地铁,冲车因为消不掉肚子里的火气,所以被叫做火车。 (投稿:お赌神の徒げ 于 2006-12-15 21:51:54 编审: zw)

❷ 谁知道欢乐喜剧人第三季0205期常远的地铁故事2那个小兔子是谁演的!是

开心麻花 王艺璇

❸ 求在地铁中一段英文的对话的情景故事,急,在线等

Dialogue A

Linhua:Excuse me,. Can you help me?


Linhua:Can you tell me how to get to center park?

Policeman:You can take the subway.

Linhua:Oh,I just can't figure out the subway system at all.

As soon as I get underground I lose my sense of direction.

Policeman:But it's easy to get to Manhattan from here by the subway. You take the uptown R train and get off at 42nd Street.

Linhua:O. K. ,do you know where the nearest subway station is?

Policeman:It's over there across the street in front of the cinema.

Linhua:Thanks a lot.

Policeman:You're welcome.

Dialogue B

(A:Visitor;B:Token man)

A:Is this right subway to the Rockefeller Center?

B:Yes,you take the D train on the downtown platform,and go three stops.

A:How much is the fare?

B:One dollar and fifteen cents. You give me the money and I'll exchange it for a token.

A:What should I do with the token?

B:You put it in the slot at the turnstile and then push the turnstile to get into the platform.

A:Oh,I see. By the way,how can I get out of the platform after I get off the train?

B:That's very easy. The exit is always open.

A:Thank you very much.

B:My pleasure. Remember,the D train,the downtown platform.

Dialogue C

A:How did you enjoy your subway trip yesterday,Yang?

B:Very much and I found it very funny,too.

A:Really?When did you take your trip there?

B:I was down at the Lilan Station at 7∶30. I guess that was a bad time to travel. When a train pulled in I was simply swept in by the rush of people from behind.

A:Oh,poor you!But did you manage to find a seat?

B:That was out of the question. The train left the station before I was able to get back my breath. I planned to get off at the Bridge Station for a visit,but I found myself landed at an entirely new one.

A:So you overrode your station.

B:That's right,and it took me half an hour to get on a train back.

A: Can you tell me how to get to Manhattan?


B: You can take the subway.


A: Oh,I just can't figure out the subway system at all.


C: But it's easy to get to Manhattan from here by the sub-way.


B: You take the uptown R train and get off at 42nd street.


A: O. K. ,do you know where the nearest subway station is.


D:It's over there across the street in front of the cinema.


A:. Is this the right subway to the Rockefeller Center?


E: Yes,you take the D train on the downtown platform,and go three stops.


A:. How much is the fare?


A: What should I do with the token?


E. You put it in the slot at the turnstile and then push the turnstile to get into the platform.


A. By the way,how can I get out of the platform after I get off the train?


E.That's very easy. The exit is always open.


D:. Remember,the D train,the downtown platform.


❹ 求编小品。一个幼师和地铁人员发生的搞笑事。还有一个语言作业~(十一,小生活)作文400字,高悬赏。


❺ 地铁女人民工编一个故事


❻ 以前优酷放过一个系列的短片,讲地铁里发生的小故事的,类似青春偶像剧啊,有哪位大神记得这剧叫什么名字

这部戏跟放羊的星星剧情很像 都是男女主人公因为误会而分开 几年以后有意版外的相遇权 然后男主人公为报复女主人公跟女主人公在一起 后来真相大白两人在一起很幸福。。。 两部戏大体上都是这样 不过,我觉得放羊的星星更好看一些。